Judaism - Page 6

‘Death to Jews,’ Swastikas on Jewish Gravesites in Europe

Two cemeteries in Europe were reported to have been vandalized Thursday — the oldest surviving Jewish cemetery in the world in the German city of Worms and another in southern France, whose gravestones were vandalized with swastikas and the words “Death to Jews” and “Death to the French.”

This picture taken on December 4, 2019, shows the jewish Westhoffen cemetery near Strasbou

#JewishPrivilege: How Jews Flipped the Top Trending Hashtag

#JewishPrivilege is trending on Twitter. In fact, on Sunday it was the top trending hashtag, but not for the right reasons. It was being used to promote the idea Jews are a privileged group who, as well as controlling the world, are responsible for all of its ills, including police brutality.


Dulis: Were Mordecai and Esther Really Faithful to God?

Every year around the time of Purim, churches and synagogues around the world dive back into the book of Esther, where we hear of a courageous young Jewish woman in exile saving her people, who were put in danger because of her uncle’s unbending integrity in the face of pagan tyranny. But is that story really what we read–or merely what we’ve read *into* this unique book of the Bible?

The Bible Art Library is a collection of commissioned biblical paintings. During the late

Survivors Return to Auschwitz 75 Years After Liberation

OSWIECIM, Poland — Survivors of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp gathered Monday for commemorations marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the camp, using the testimony of survivors to warn about the signs of rising anti-Semitism and hatred in the world today.

The entrance to the former Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau with the lettering '