NASA - Page 4

Nolte: America Went to the Moon and then Went Shopping

I’m no space nut. I was not one of those kids who built model rockets. But I do understand what the space program did for this country, not just for our national pride (which is important), but how the relentless push to achieve Kennedy’s radical challenge dramatically improved life here on Earth.

Space Frontiers/Getty Images

Pinkerton: ‘One Giant Leap’ — the Apollo Project and the American Way

The space program was not just about the guts and grit of astronauts with “the right stuff,” nor about the brilliance of the engineers who designed the spacecraft.  It was also about the financial and organizational ability of government leaders, corporate executives, and white- and blue-collar workers—all teaming up to get the job done. 

DC, UNITED STATES: This 20 July 1969 file photo released by NASA shows astronaut Edwin E.