Palestinian Authority - Page 6

Klein: Media Distort Muslim Riots on Temple Mount

Muslims on the Temple Mount – Judaism’s holiest site – engaged in a clearly orchestrated assault on Israeli police protecting the site on the very day that Jews worldwide mourned the destruction of the First and Second Jewish temples.


German Government Contractor Smears Israel: ‘Not a Democracy’

TEL AVIV – A German government contractor, who is also a representative of Amnesty International, delivered an anti-Semitic speech in which she accused Israel of “executing” peaceful Palestinian protesters and blamed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for the recent influx of refugees into Europe, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Gruesome Cartoon

Trump Envoys Help Unveil Ancient Jewish Jerusalem Road

TEL AVIV – U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman and President Donald Trump’s Mideast peace envoy Jason Greenblatt on Sunday hammered through a wall at the inauguration of a 2,000 year old archaeological site not far from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, drawing ire from the Palestinian leadership which described the American delegation as “extremist fanatic Israeli settlers.”

US Ambassador to David Friedman (L) speaks with White House Middle East envoy Jason Greenb

Palestinian Authority’s Secret Pay Hikes Enrage Public

TEL AVIV – The Palestinian street is fuming over news that the Palestinian Authority secretly signed off on massive salary hikes and other perks for government ministers at a time when the Palestinian labor market was going through major cutbacks amid an economic crisis. 

Palestinians to cut civil servant salaries after Israeli tax freeze

Netanyahu Vows to Annex West Bank Settlements

TEL AVIV – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed over the weekend to annex West Bank settlements if he is reelected in Tuesday’s elections. The incumbent prime minister also said he had told President Donald Trump that would not evacuate “a single person” from the 400,000 or so Jews residing in the West Bank. 

Israeli watchdog finds online manipulation ahead of vote