Harping On: The Hypocrisy and Lies of Twitter’s Most Notorious ‘Anti-Abuse’ Activist, Randi Harper, Part 1
These are the words of Randi Harper, an activist who runs a charity set up to prevent online abuse. Yes, you read that correctly.

These are the words of Randi Harper, an activist who runs a charity set up to prevent online abuse. Yes, you read that correctly.
The Electronics Entertainment Expo — better known as E3 — is the highlight of the gaming calendar. As the biggest video game companies in the world gather in Los Angeles for a string of exclusive announcements, it’s a time of year when gamers put down their controllers and gaze eagerly at their newsfeeds.
Recently we have had a dramatic illustration of the increasingly totalitarian intolerance of feminofascism and the “progressive consensus”, with the forced resignation of Sir Tim Hunt from his post as Honorary Professor of Life Sciences at University College London (UCL),
Modern feminism wants to be taken seriously as an organized, political force. Really, it does. So why did a fundraiser in London for the new Women’s Equality Party (WEP) include as its finale the opportunity for participants to conduct an
In an address at St. Norbert Catholic College in Wisconsin, radical feminist Gloria Steinem said that religion was “patriarchal” and “all about controlling reproduction.”
Continuing with his insistence that Christians speak the truth boldly and “without fear” of the consequences, on Wednesday Pope Francis took on both the gay lobby and radical feminists by contending that men and women are essentially different and not interchangeable.