Robert Pittenger

GOP Lawmaker: Islamic State Has Established Training Camps in Latin America

The chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, in an interview with Breitbart News after meeting with various government officials in South America last weekend, warns that the nexus between radical Islamic terrorists and criminal groups in Latin America is “growing” and poses a major threat to the United States.

European terror attacks

50 GOP Lawmakers to John Kerry: Reconsider Alignment with Iran

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Rep. Robert Pittenger wrote a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, co-signed by 49 of his Republican colleagues in the House, urging him to “reconsider” the Obama administration’s “strategic alignment with the Iranian government” in the wake of the Islamic Republic’s capture of 10 U.S. Navy sailors and Tehran’s recent illegal ballistic missile tests.


34 Lawmakers Demand Answers on ‘Altered’ ISIS Intel Reports

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) and 33 other Republican lawmakers wrote a letter to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, expressing outrage over allegations that senior intelligence officers at U.S. Central Command altered their assessments of the U.S. military efforts against the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) in Syria to make it appear that President Obama is winning the war.

In this photo released on May 4, 2015, by a militant website, which has been verified and