Spratly Islands - Page 4

Indonesia: We, Too, Could Take China to Court over South China Sea

Indonesia’s defense chief told reporters Wednesday that it, too, may take China to court over its outrageous territorial claims in the South China Sea, following the Philippines’ request for the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague to address the matter. The Hague has accepted the petition.

KUANTAN, MALAYSIA - MARCH 15: A member of the Malaysian Navy makes a call as their ship ap

EU Warns Against Escalation in South China Sea

The European Union made its strongest call yet for China and other Asian nations to resolve their dispute over the South China Sea, a position Brussels insists is neutral but that the United States is likely to welcome after pressing the bloc to speak up.

DigitalGlobe via Getty Images

China Outraged as U.S. Navy Ship Navigates South China Sea

The Chinese government is strongly condemning the presence of a U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyer, the USS Lassen, in the South China Sea, as an “illegal entry.” American defense officials insist the ship navigated international waters, challenging China’s unilateral claims to sovereignty over the nearby Spratly Islands.

Invincible Spirit Exercise In East Sea

China Objects to ‘Routine’ US Flight over South China Sea

The United States flew a Boeing P-8 surveillance plane over the disputed South China Sea on Saturday, a move that a top U.S. Navy admiral called “routine” to the dismay of China. China argues that such activities cause serious damage to U.S.-China relations, reports Reuters.

IN FLIGHT, IN FLIGHT : This aerial photograph taken from a military aircraft shows alleged

Japan Considers Joining US in South China Sea Patrols to Thwart China

Japan is considering joining the United States on surveillance flights in the South China Sea, having already participated in one this week with the Philippines. The disputed waters, which China has claimed almost entirely as its own, have seen significant construction on its reefs by the communist power in the past year, angering its neighbors.

AFP Photo/Ted Aljibe

As China Blames Foreign ‘Provocations’ for South China Sea Row, US Pledges to Fund Vietnam

The United States has offered Vietnam $18 million for the purchase of American patrol boats, to be used in self-defense against looming threats from China to Vietnamese and Philippine vessels that dare navigate into the South China Sea. China has both increased its belligerent activity in the disputed region and trumped up calls to condemn its neighbors for “provocative” behavior near the Spratly Islands.


Japan, Philippines Forge Closer Military Ties in Wake of Chinese Land Grab

Philippine President Benigno Aquino is set to land in Japan on Tuesday following initial negotiations for new weapons trade deals and closer military ties. Observers see the move as a preventative measure in the face of China’s expanded efforts in disputed South China Sea territory to build military facilities and artificial islands, violating international law.

The Yomiuri Shimbun via AP Images

State Department Warns China: Stop Building ‘Sandcastles’ in South China Sea

Tensions are rising in the South China Sea as American officials have become increasingly vocal regarding their opposition to China’s development of islands over which Vietnam and the Philippines contend China has no sovereignty. In a scathing opinion piece in state media Friday, China has responded by telling American officials to stay out of Asian affairs.

AP Photo/Fernando Vergara