Sunday’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner has turned into a super spreader event, according to various media reports.
Yes, my friends, the very same monsters who demanded we be locked down, masked, social-distanced, and bankrupted, proved they do not believe in such things by herding together in a poorly ventilated hotel ballroom without masks for a few hours. What’s more, they did so with the president of the United States in the room. I’m not sure he knew he was in the room, but they sure did.
Get this… ABC’s Chief Serial Liar Jonathan Karl has tested positive for the China Flu and Karl shook hands with Biden. Currently he’s in isolation and going through contact tracing. Yeah, considering the hundreds and hundreds of unmasked assholes that sat shoulder-to-shoulder for all those hours, the results should be interesting.
“In the days since WHCD weekend, reporters and staffers from CNN, ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Politico, and other participating news organizations have tested positive for the virus,” reports CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and violence.
CNNLOL adds:
Steven Portnoy, president of the White House Correspondents’ Association, said in a statement Tuesday, “We worked hard to publicize our protocols and encouraged those eligible to get booster shots in the weeks leading up to the dinner.”
“Our event implemented protocols that went beyond any guidance or regulation issued by the (US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) or the DC health department. We wish anyone who may not be feeling well a speedy recovery,” he added.
Give me a break.
Why would anyone trust the CDC on anything regarding anything, much less the China Flu?
The CDC is suing to force airline passengers to wear masks. Commercial airplanes have amazing filters that filter out things like viruses. Hotel ballrooms do not have filters that filter out things like viruses. Nevertheless, these godless liars who call themselves “journalists” never stopped to ask, Well, gee, if the CDC wants airlines masks, but says we’re okay…? Hmmm? You know, maybe I should begin to act like a journalist and ask some questions before we go ahead with what could become a super spreader event.

(Getty Images/Yaroslav Astakhov).
You know why the corporate media did not do that?
Because even as they lie and bully and shame to keep us masked and locked down and social-distanced, they know it’s all anti-science BS. They’ve seen the results from states that don’t enforce any of that nonsense and they know it’s nonsense. Further, they don’t care about looking like the lying hypocrites they all are because in their perverted and hopelessly corrupt little bubble, being a lying hypocrite is considered “trolling the Trumptards,” and there’s nothing these hideous people love more than “trolling the Trumptards.”
Let’s forget all that for a moment…
Now ask yourself this question…
How fucking stupid are these people? To keep the virus away, all they had to do was promote the event as a Black Lives Matter riot. Don’t they read their own reporting?
At this point some of you might be saying, Well, how do you know it’s a super spreader event? How do you know these people were not infected prior to Sunday night?
They were all tested for the China Flu beforehand. That’s how we know.
Well, unlike those in the corporate media who cheer people like me suffering and dying, I hope no one in the corporate media dies or gets seriously ill. Some sort of isolation where they can’t spread their lies would, however, be very good for America.
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