Michele Bachmann: Obama Will Grant Executive Amnesty to Terrorists in US

Michele Bachmann: Obama Will Grant Executive Amnesty to Terrorists in US

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) told Breitbart News at the Value Voters Summit hosted by the Family Research Council that President Barack Obama’s planned executive amnesty is the biggest story that the mainstream media has ignored this year.

“[Seeking] amnesty for illegal aliens is the number one achievement of the president’s second term,” Bachmann said in an interview that aired on Breitbart News Saturday on Sirius XM Patriot Channel 125.

“He’s planning to get it and he’s planning to jam it down the throats of the American people. It’s a plate of dog food to do this,” Bachmann said. “It’s not what the American people want–they’re going to react–which is why the president is taking the coward’s way out and he’s waiting until after the election. The media, unfortunately, is giving the president a big assist because you don’t hear them pounding on the table saying ‘Mr. President, Mr. President, what are you doing?'”

“They’re completely leaving the fight,” she continued. “So the American people are being completely dis-served because the president has already announced what he’s going to do. He’s going to give full-scale amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, which by the way would include terrorists who are currently in this country who came in illegally. This is a travesty of historic proportions and the president of the United States will completely destroy his presidency if he does it–but he doesn’t care. All he cares about is the outcome, achieving his radical political ends, which is why we got to do everything we can despite the media not paying attention to this issue we need to focus on it.”

Bachmann, who said she thinks “it’s great” Attorney General Eric Holder is resigning from office at long last–and “should have resigned a long time ago”–backed a strategy by Senate Budget Committee ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) that all U.S. Senators should vote against any Attorney General nominee if that nominee does not oppose Obama’s planned executive amnesty.

“He’s a thousand percent right,” Bachmann said of Sessions’ strategy. “The best senator that we have in the U.S. Senate on the issue of illegal immigration is Jeff Sessions. Bar none. He has led the way in the Senate and actually myself and Congressman Steve King were working with him in the week leading up to the great legislation we got through the House of Representatives. We actually got decent legislation and in part it’s because of the work we did with Sen. Jeff Sessions.”

The legislation Bachmann is referring to were two separate bills the House passed right before August recess. The first toughened immigration asylum restrictions and gave resources to the federal government to halt the border crisis, and the second one defunded the president’s plans for an executive amnesty making it illegal for him to use taxpayer resources to grant illegal aliens work permits or other documents. As the House debated and passed those bills–the first time the Republican Party has been almost universally united against amnesty since the 2012 election–House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi lost control of herself and twice waved her finger in the face of GOP Rep. Tom Marino of Pennsylvania, chasing him across the House floor.

“They [the Democrats] went apoplectic,” Bachmann said. “She [Pelosi] actually chased after a Republican in Congress. She was completely unhinged because her policy is unhinged to give blanket amnesty to people who break our laws to come into the United States. We have a huge problem with amnesty for illegal aliens–it’s a national security risk.”

“It means taking away millions of jobs from American citizens and it further means lowering of wages and benefit packages for Americans,” she continued. “We’re seeing a plumping up of the welfare rolls well into the future. Why would we do this? Why would we add to our welfare rolls? Why would we pull away good jobs from Americans? Why would we lower their wages? That’s why the American people are outraged over illegal immigration, and I really think it is a traitorous act to not bring attention to the fact that the president has announced he is going to grant blanket amnesty and the media is completely ignoring the story. It’s the biggest story of this year other than the tragedy with the Islamic State and Islamic jihad.”


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