Poll Shows Media Wildly Out-of-Touch with Priorities of Average Americans

Poll Shows Media Wildly Out-of-Touch with Priorities of Average Americans

Pew released a poll today that puts into stark contrast the widening gap between the elite media and the American people. When asked what their priorities were for Obama’s second term, the American people overwhelmingly chose as their top three issues: strengthening the economy, job creation, and deficit reduction.

Way down at the bottom — #17, #18, and #21 (out of 21) —  we find the media’s priorities: guns, illegal immigration, and global warming.

And what a wild coincidence that the exact same divisive issues the media’s focusing on to drive its coverage are the exact same divisive issues Obama’s been using  to distract from his jobless, shrinking economy.

There are too many untold stories to count about the state of the American economy today-an economy dragged down by the threat of ObamaCare, hyper-regulation, the uncertainty that comes from the president constantly demanding tax increases (as he did again last week), and the kind of chronic joblessness we haven’t seen since WWII.

But the media doesn’t want to talk about the state of the economy, because Obama doesn’t want to talk about the state of the economy, because the media’s nothing more than a tool of The State that prefers to cover issues one person (Obama) wants covered, instead of  issues the people would like covered.

Over at NBC News’ First Read, we learn Obama will focus on the economy in his State of the Union tomorrow — something he’s done before, only to take his eye completely off the ball until the next State of the Union.

We’re four years into Obamanomics, the GDP is moving backwards, unemployment is higher than when Obama took office, middle class incomes are shrinking, poverty’s increasing, and the deficit is insane. By any measure (especially when compared to the Reagan Recovery), Obama’s economy is an abject failure. And what better proof do we have of this failure than the fact that four years into his presidency, Obama still has to talk about economic growth and job creation?

You can bet, though, that Obama’s prescription will be More Of The Same and that the media will nod along in agreement with this prescription like the hive-minded drones they are. You can also lay money on the fact that, by next week, both Obama and the media will make sure we’re once again talking about only what Obama wants to talk about.


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