Ann Coulter Tells Piers Morgan He's a 'Sexist, Misogynist Pig' With a 'Teeny, Tiny, Male Ego'

Ann Coulter Tells Piers Morgan He's a 'Sexist, Misogynist Pig' With a 'Teeny, Tiny, Male Ego'

PIERS MORGAN, HOST: You called me in the break a sexist, misogynist pig.


MORGAN: Can you explain why?


MORGAN: What have I said that’s been remotely sexist.

COULTER: “Calm down.” Oh, it is the conservative female obligation to…

MORGAN: You were hyperventilating.

COULTER: ..I’m not hyperventilating. I’m disagreeing with you, which apparently is insulting your teeny, tiny, male ego. It is the most insulting, condescending, sexist thing to say to a female – generally conservative – who disagrees with you. No, it’s my obligation to back down and accept your point, and if I don’t, “You’re not being calm.”


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