Fake News: Comey Confirms New York Times’ Trump-Russia Collusion Story False

Former FBI director James Comey released an explosive statement on his contacts with Presi

Fired former FBI Director James Comey said during his appearance before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday that the New York Times reporting on President Donald Trump colluding with the Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign was “not true.”

Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID) asked Comey about the reporting.

“Okay, so again,” Risch said. “So the American people can understand this, that report by the New York Times was not true, is that a fair statement?”

“It was not true,” Comey said. “Again, all of you know this, maybe the American people don’t. The challenge — I’m not picking on reporters about writing stories about classified information… [the challenge is] that people talking about it often don’t really now what’s going on and those of us who actually know what’s going on are not talking about it.”

“And we don’t call the press to say, hey, you got that thing wrong about this sensitive topic,” Comey said. “We just have to leave it there.”


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