Jared Huffman

California Primary: Humboldt County Feels the Bern

Hillary Clinton will need to assemble a strong ground game before the state’s June 7 primary if she is to defeat Sen. Bernie Sanders in this district, where an “outsider” ethos prevails and progressive politics rule. It is this outsider status that will also likely propel Republican hopeful Donald Trump to victory here.

Eureka (Daniel Nussbaum / Breitbart News)

Nancy Pelosi: Federal Confederate Flag Ban ‘Is About Our Morals’

During a July 9 discussion on a spending bill, Democrat members of the House—led by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12th Dist)—began pushing a vote to ban all “Confederate symbols from the Capitol.” This was a continuation of a push that began Tuesday, wherein Democrats sought to ban Confederate flags from all federal cemeteries.

The Associated Press

Democrats Are Lying About Netanyahu and ‘No Alternatives’

It does not matter whether they attended the speech, boycotted the speech, or read the transcript of the speech. Democrats, surprised by how convincing Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on Tuesday turned out to be, have simply decided to lie about it. Netanyahu said “we should give up on any diplomatic path,” according to Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA). He failed to provide “viable alternatives,” according to President Barack Obama. None of that is true, as the transcript shows.

John Yarmuth