wage growth

Parker: This Economy Is a Gift to All Americans

Elaine Parker of Job Creators Network writes at foxnews.com that the rising tide of President Trump’s economic reforms is indeed lifting all boats, especially among blue-collar workers and the bottom 25 percent of wage-earners.

FILE- In this Jan. 30, 2018, file photo, an employee of Aldi, right, takes an application

No Inflation, No Interest, No Recovery: How Printing Money Enslaves the Middle Class

Much of the debate over the maybe-recovery concerns the manipulation of government reports. The Western world is moving rapidly toward a stagnant feudal system populated only by rich aristocrats, rich government officials, and a vast lower class that needs welfare transfer payments to survive. Debt-burdened workers with flat wages, shaky job prospects, and government subsidies for their basic needs are serfs, not a vibrant and independent middle class of entrepreneurs selling their labor to the highest bidders.

Money Laundering Network

May Jobs Report: Liberals Suddenly Rediscover the ‘Workforce’ Concept

After years of resolutely ignoring workforce decline – claiming every downward tick in the nominal unemployment rate was pure, undiluted joyous news, even though most of those ticks occurred because hundreds of thousands of people were giving up and dropping out of the workforce entirely – liberals are falling all over themselves to bang out Tweets and blog posts explaining how it’s a good thing that same nominal unemployment rate just ticked up.

The Associated Press