Dem Rep. Connolly: I Still Don’t Know How Many Americans Are Left in Afghanistan

On Monday’s “CNN Newsroom,” Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) said he hasn’t gotten a response from the State Department to his query on how many Americans are left in Afghanistan and he doesn’t know how many Americans are left.

Connolly stated that he gives the administration “some credit for removing 120,000 people in the evacuation. But there are still tens of thousands left behind, and I want to know their status and what the plans are to try to help them.”

Host Ana Cabrera asked, “You sent a letter, in fact, just last week to the secretary seeking answers, including how many Americans remain there in Afghanistan, what steps the U.S. government is taking to continue those evacuations for Americans and Afghan allies. Have you gotten a response already, and do you know how many Americans are left?”

Connolly responded, “I don’t and I didn’t and I intend to pursue that today as well. As you may know, Ana, my office, I think, is the number one out of 435 congressional offices in America that submitted the most names of Afghan nationals seeking to be evacuated, 20,000 names in three weeks, and in addition to Americans or people with American residence — legal residence who wanted to get out. And we still need a comprehensive answer in terms of the status of each and every one of those individuals.”

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