Biological Man Set To Become National Union Of Students’ Women’s Representative


A straight, biological man is a hot favourite in the race to become the National Union of Students’ (NUS) Women’s officer.

Anna Lee describes himself as a “queer trans disabled lesbian woman”, and is currently the LGBT officer at Lancaster University Student Union, having already spent two years on the national women’s committee.

The NUS women’s campaign “exists to represent and extend and defend the rights of women students… led by women students in our governance and decision-making processes”, their website claims.

Last year, Mr. Lee won a battle to share toilets with biological women at his University, despite being quite open about his sexual interest in them and retaining all his male biology.

“I never believed that running to be national women’s officer was a possibility”, he said in a Facebook post lunching “Anna’s” campaign last week.

“In my five years in the student movement, I have changed a lot – in fact, some might say it’s been a transformative experience ;)” explained the newly self-identifying women.

Adding: “I know the Women’s Campaign is ready. I know NUS is ready. I’m not convinced that the rest of society is.

“But – when the transphobic ‘feminists’ come and try to tear me down, I will just fight harder, and with the help of amazing activists we will show them”, wrote the self declared women.

Mr. Lee was also one of the leaders of the NUS’s first ever transgender conference last year, and was even invited to give evidence to a Parliamentary committee on transgender issues.

The NUS conference promised to have all “transphobic” speakers banned from British university, and the Parliamentary report recommended making it illegal to exclude biological men from women’s services such as showers and rape crisis centres.

“We need to start tackling rape culture at an earlier age and teach people consent in intersectional statutory sex ed”, added Mr. Lee the post, referring to her policy proposals.

Declaring: “We need to build the movement and make sure no one is excluded. There are some huge fights upon us and we need to be ready”.


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