Wind Industry Lawyer: Brexit Could Help us Kill More Birds and Bats…

Wind Industry
Anna Jiménez/Unsplash

Good news for bird-haters and bat-loathers. A lawyer working for the wind industry says there may, after all, be a silver lining to the Brexit vote: apparently, once Britain is independent, we’ll be freed of all those pesky EU regulations designed to protect our wildlife.

Here’s how the Financial Times‘s Environment Correspondent Pilita Clark puts it:

Still, legal experts say there could be some benefit for the industry from a Brexit, if it waters down costly EU rules protecting birds and other wildlife.

Plans for some of the UK’s biggest wind farms have been scaled back or ditched after companies hit hurdles stemming from the EU’s birds and habitats directives.

Such cases underline the “over-regulation” of the wind farm industry as a result of EU rules, says Jennifer Ballantyne, a planning specialist at the Pinsent Masons law firm.

Yep. Satire is dead.

Here is the Environment Correspondent of a respected and influential newspaper tacitly welcoming the possibility that once freed from EU environment-protecting regulation Britain might actually be free to build more of the wind farms known to kill millions of birds and bats every year.

It appears not to have occurred to Ms Clark that, just because renewables are championed by the environmental lobby doesn’t mean that they are actually good for the environment.

Luckily, as the rest of the piece pretty comprehensively demonstrates, Brexit is proving to be an abject disaster for Big Green.

For example, Germany’s Siemens has put all its UK wind energy ‘investment’ (aka subsidy-grubbing) on hold, while the price of carbon credits has gone through the floor in expectation that the UK will no longer feel bound by the EU’s stringent (and economically suicidal) decarbonisation targets.


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