Five Ideas for Christmas Activities that Celebrate Christ’s Birth

Christmas Manger scene with figurines including Jesus, Mary, Joseph and sheep. Focus on mo
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Christmas involves a hectic flurry of activities, from shopping for gifts to preparing and eating traditional holiday fare. But it is also a sacred time for Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and His promise of salvation to a fallen world.

With the true reason for the season in mind, Focus on the Family published a list of ideas to help put Jesus into one’s Christmas celebration:

  1. Hear about the Christmas story. Whether it is the Bible, a favorite book or an audio tale, retelling the story of Christ’s birth and its meaning can make the true meaning of the day come to life.
  2. Focus on the Family calls it “the gift of Scripture,” which can be unwrapped by taking turns reading your favorite Bible verse. “We found that this was a way to include Jesus in the gift-giving, and it helped everyone grow a little closer to our Savior,” a contributor wrote in the list of ideas.
  3. “Find the baby Jesus” is a game where the baby Jesus in the nativity scene is hidden and everyone searches for the savior in the days leading up to Christmas. When found, He is hidden again until December 25 arrives, when he lies peacefully in the manger. “This simple game kept Jesus in the forefront of her sons’ minds, and it is a tradition that my family continues today,” a contributor wrote. Start planning for next year today!
  4. One activity calls for leaving home but it is a wonderful way to remember Christ’s call for us to be servants who help the less fortunate around us. It may be too late to sign up for serving a Christmas meal for the homeless or adopting a child in the community who needs Christmas love and good cheer. But Focus on the Family has lots of ideas for ways to serve your neighbors and people in your community. “We’re called to humbly serve other people — not only the poor and sick, but our families, friends and neighbors, too,” the article states.
  5. Gather the Christmas cards that were delivered to your family and place them in a pile. Take turns selecting a card and pray for the family who sent it.

In my own family when my sons were growing up we started every Christmas morning with a prayer to thank God for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to praise Him for the blessings we enjoy every day of the year.

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