House Speaker Paul Ryan’s Wisconsin primary opponent Paul Nehlen tells Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon today that he absolutely believes Paul Ryan “sold his vote” to support so called trade deals that Nehlen says are damaging to America.
Nehlen adds that 83 percent of Paul Ryan’s political fundraising comes from outside his Wisconsin district. “The vast majority comes in the form of large campaign donations from inside the D.C. Beltway…. He sold his vote. He sold his vote. The same people that are donating to his campaign want these open border initiatives. This isn’t a Free Trade deal.”
Asked if he genuinely believed Ryan sold his vote, “I absolutely believe that,” said Nehlen. “The FEC reports back me up. This isn’t my contention. This is a fact.” Nehlen also said, “Paul Ryan never won Janesville, by the way,” which is his hometown. Nehlen basically called Ryan a “good salesman” who says one thing to people at home, yet does another in Washington. He directed listeners to see his latest video at
Nehlen’s campaign launched its first ad, “Truth Resurrection” this morning.
Asked why he was running, said Nehlen:
What lit my fuse was an article that was up on Breitbart and it was up on Breitbart because Sen. Jeff Sessions had gone and read the Trans Pacific Trade Partnership and he reported it and you guys reported it. Nobody else reported on it. And I read that as a businessman. I run businesses all around the United States, all around the globe … I’ve closed factories in Mexico and brought those jobs back to the United States. I’ve closed factories in Canada and brought those jobs back to the United States. I did this. I said to my wife, I’m going to run for Congress.
Nehlen called Speaker Paul Ryan “a mercenary champion of this Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership,” adding “and that’s why I’m running. … I was outside Abbott Labs just a week and a half ago … 180 employees, IT workers, Americans, have been replaced by H1-B visa holders. I was there with Michelle Malkin and Sara Blackwell, an attorney out of Florida who is donating her time pro bono filing EOC complaints” on behalf of the American losing their jobs.
“The jobs aren’t going away,” said Nehlen, “they’re bringing in people to replace Americans in those jobs. And this Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership, it makes it worse. It codifies the opportunity for them to bring workers here and replace us. They won’t even have to go through the paperwork of filing H1 Visa forms.”
Nehlen claims Janesville is “deteriorating” on Ryan’s watch. “One in five people need food assistance in Janesville. There’s a 13 percent poverty rate and this is Wisconsin,” he said.
Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot Channel 125 weekdays from 6:00AM to 9:00AM EST.
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