Exclusive– Daniel McCarthy: Western Civilization’s Future More Important Than Worries over Social Security

western civilization
Raphael/The School of Athens

Populist columnist Daniel McCarthy says the future of Western Civilization is vastly more fundamental to the American nation than economic libertarians’ worries over Social Security and Medicaid funding.

In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Tonight, McCarthy spoke on some of the issues he addressed in his latest column for the Spectator, titled “Why libertarians are wrong.”

Among his issues with the libertarian worldview, McCarthy said concerns over public funding of programs like Social Security and the national debt are not nearly as important as the nation’s civilizational struggles.

McCarthy said:

I like decentralization, I certainly worry about how Social Security and Medicaid are going to be funded in the long run but I actually think those things are less dangerous to us right now than some of these fundamental questions of sort of national cohesion and long run strategic security. It seems to me that questions about immigration and trade, the status of the American citizen and worker … that these things are more important than the budget-crunching issues that seem to be at the forefront of most libertarians minds. [Emphasis added]

My whole point … is that libertarians have their priorities wrong. They are worried about accounting matters with Social Security, they are worried about whether or not you have an absolute sort of maximum efficiency in an economy in terms of the division of labor and imports and exports. And they are less concerned about these fundamental civilizational shifts that are going on right now. [Emphasis added]

McCarthy argues that a future for Western Civilization where China and Islam dominate economic policy and the culture will not bode well for freedom fighters.

“A future in which China is the determiner of the economic system and Islam is the determiner of culture is probably not going to be terribly friendly to libertarian political philosophy,” McCarthy said.

What I think [libertarians] tend to miss … is the idea that there has to be certain civil and strategic foundations that make a free market possible … and that if you don’t have those foundations in national power and sort of secure property rights that come from a secure political order, then everything else is going to blow away. I think the mistake the libertarians make is they put the cart before the horse. They think that the economic system is the more fundamental thing when in fact, the civilization is the most fundamental thing and the constitutional order of the country, it’s balance of classes is the most fundamental thing. [Emphasis added]

Economic libertarianism has little-to-no support among the American electorate, despite the majority of Republicans and the GOP donor class wedding the party’s national platform to endless free trade and legal immigration expansionism under the guise of economic growth.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.


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