Kash Patel Is the Right Remedy to ‘Fix’ FBI, Says Retired FBI Leader

Former Chief of Staff to the Department of Defense Kash Patel speaks during a campaign ral
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

A retired FBI supervisor is praising President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Kash Patel to head the FBI once he gets into office, calling Patel “the right fix.”

Retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent Jeff Danik endorsed Patel fully on Just the News’s John Solomon Reports podcast on Monday.

“This guy is completely and 100% qualified to run that organization. He’s what’s needed today. He’s the right fix,” Danik told Solomon.

Indeed, Patel has a powerful resume. He led counterterrorism activities for the White House in Trump’s first term and has served as senior adviser to the Director of National Intelligence, chief of staff at the Pentagon, and leading attorney for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). Patel has also served as both a prosecutor and public defender.

Danik, who noted that Patel has a high level of support among many agents, emphasized that the vast depth and breadth of Patel’s experience puts him in a well-rounded position to lead the bureau:

“He has the correct balance, in my view, having been there for almost 30 years,” Danik said of Patel. “He has the correct balance of prosecutor, which is what we do. We feed the prosecution tube. Defense attorney, so the other side of that coin. Intelligence, the intelligence agencies, which is a key element to the FBI’s either success or failure.

“And then also, I think this is personal, that he’s been a victim himself of the system,” Danik said. “And the combination of those things uniquely qualifies him beyond his, you know, substantial accomplishments.”

Patel outlined sweeping changes he would like to see in the agency during an appearance on the Shawn Ryan Show in September.

“The FBI’s footprint has gotten so freaking big, and the biggest problem the FBI has had has come out of its Intel shops. I’d break that component out of it,” he said.

“I’d shut down the FBI Hoover Building on day one and reopen it the next day as a museum of the deep state,” he added. “And I’d take the 7,000 employees that work in that building and send them across America to chase down criminals.”

Patel will have to undergo a confirmation process to replace current FBI Director Christopher Wray. As the Allbritton Journalism Institute reported, Republican senators seemed warm to the idea of Patel on Monday.


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