1965 Immigration and Nationality Act

EXCLUSIVE– Donald J. Trump First Candidate to Reply to the ‘Sessions Test’

On February 5th, Breitbart News exclusively reported that Sen. Jeff Sessions issued a list of five questions that all candidates must answer if they wish to seek the Republican nomination. In recent years, Sessions has emerged as the intellectual thought leader of the nation-state conservative movement. Sessions has articulated how mass immigration combined with reckless trade deals is compressing wages and decimating America’s middle class.

Jeff Sessions

Exclusive — Senate Immigration Subcommittee Releases Chart Proving Immigration Will Outpace American Population Growth 7 To 1 Through 2065

The chart shows that for every 1 net American born to today’s population—births minus deaths—the federal government will add 7 more people to the country through future immigration. The Senate Subcommittee told Breitbart News: October 3rd marked the 50th anniversary of the Immigration and Nationality Act. According to Pew Research, in the five decades since the Act’s adoption, 59 million immigrants have entered the United States.
