Modi Hangs on to Power in India with Smaller Margin

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared victory in the 2024 election on Tuesday night, but he will enter his third term with greatly reduced parliamentary support from his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which performed well below expectations.

Narendra Modi

India: Mobs Burn Ruling Party Offices to Protest Military Recruitment Plan

Mobs of angry young men set fire to two offices of India’s ruling party, the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), in eastern India’s Bihar state this week as part of nationwide protests against New Delhi’s recent decision to alter the guidelines of traditional military recruitment in the country, India Today reported on Friday.

KOLKATA, INDIA JUNE 18: All India Democratic Students Organization (AIDSO) members burn pl

Indian Opposition Leader Protests Against His Own Corruption Probe

Rahul Gandhi, a senior leader of the opposition All India Congress Committee (AICC), on Monday protested against a corruption probe launched by the majority BJP Party that accused Gandhi and his mother of money laundering. The AICC denounced the probe as a “well-planned conspiracy” to destroy BJP’s leading opponents with false charges.

Indian police stop opposition Congress party workers from heading towards Enforcement Dire