Rishi Sunak Sinks to Negative Approval Among Conservatives Amid Migration Failures
The troubles for Rishi Sunak appear to be mounting as his approval rating fell into the negatives among Tory Party members for the first time.

The troubles for Rishi Sunak appear to be mounting as his approval rating fell into the negatives among Tory Party members for the first time.
UK Military families were given just a week’s notice to leave their homes at a former airbase in Essex to make way for alleged asylum seekers.
An illegal migrant has been charged with raping a woman just over a month after arriving on British shores in a small boat from France.
The alleged ringleaders of an Albanian people smuggling gang bringing illegal migrants to the UK in small boats have been arrested.
The number of illegal migrants that have crossed the English Channel from France has reportedly topped 10,000 since the start of the year
Over half of Albanian illegal migrants were granted asylum last year despite the fact that they are coming from a safe European nation.
Nigel Farage mocked Rishi Sunak as over 1,200 boat migrants landed in Britain just a week after the PM claimed success in stopping the boats.
A committee said Sunday that the UK would breach human rights commitments if it deports illegal boat migrants who cross the English Channel.
Nigel Farage has warned that due to the failures to control migration, Britain is at risk of an attack similar to the one seen in France.
Nigel Farage branded Rishi Sunak as the “biggest spinner” since Tony Blair after the PM tried to claim success in stopping boat migrants.
Bureaucrats in Britain’s deep state threatened to go on strike over the government’s plan to deport illegal boat migrants to Rwanda.
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has sworn that he “wants” to reduce the record number of legal migrants coming to Britain.
A migrant attempting to cross the English Channel illegally stabbed a French gendarme who was trying to block their group from setting sail.
Despite thousands of boats bringing illegal migrants to Britain, the government only managed to charge 82 people smugglers last year.
“Very strong words here… but will the actions measure up?”, questioned Brexit leader Nigel Farage.
The British government will reportedly introduce mandatory age checks for illegal migrants who claim to be children.
‘Conservatives’ will use emergency powers to ignore normal planning laws to build migrant camps against local wishes, report claims.
The French Navy forced a ferry to perform a dangerous manoeuvre in order to escort migrant boats into UK waters on Easter, a report claimed.
More than 1,000 boat migrants reportedly landed in the UK last week, data released by the government has revealed.
A reported nineteen suspected terrorists infiltrated the UK by illegally crossing the Channel in small migrant boats and claiming asylum.
The UK only managed to remove 215 of the tens of thousands of illegal migrants who crossed the English Channel in small boats last year.
The number of illegal boat migrants that have crossed the English Channel so far this year has reached 4,500 after over 500 arrived this week.
Families of British military servicemen have reportedly been told they will need to vacate their homes to make way for migrants.
The inability to deport illegal migrants will cost the British taxpayer some £9 billion over the next three years, a report claimed.
Britain’s Home Secretary has said boat migrants who may be removed from Britain and resettled in Rwanda should think of the arrangements as a “blessing”, infuriating anti-borders activists and politicians.
UK Parliamentarians are reportedly looking at various ways to weaken a government bill aimed at ending the ongoing migrant crisis.
The BBC said Gary Lineker will “step back” from presenting Match of the Day until they come to an agreement on his social media posts.
The British government has agreed to pay Emmanuel Macron’s France nearly half a billion pounds over the next three years to tackle the boat migrant crisis, despite the fact all previous payments have failed to reduce numbers and no deal being struck on turning the boats back.
A senior official within the European Union has lashed out at the UK government over its planned illegal migrant crackdown.
A boat migrant living in a hotel at taxpayers’ expense stabbed an 18-year-old student in the back at random, supposedly so he could be deported.
France is to demand Britain give it even more money to deal with boat migrants crossing the English Channel.
Gary Lineker, a prominent BBC pundit, has compared new measures aimed at enforcing Britain’s borders to the actions of Nazi Germany.
Nigel Farage warned the illegal migrant legislation will ultimately be rendered meaningless by European judges in Strasbourg and in Britain.
Britain’s Border Force has reportedly been ordered to “deprioritise” searches for guns and drugs entering the UK in order to keep immigration lines flowing.
Nigel Farage warned that the reported plan to effectively grant amnesty to thousands of illegal migrants will endanger British communities.
The Conservative Party-led British government’s long track record of failure on immigration is continuing, according to recent statistics, with removals of foreign nationals down 51 per cent compared to 2019.
The UK government has been accused of granting an “amnesty in all but name” to migrants coming to Britain, with the country announcing it will accept thousands of people’s requests to stay in the country without so much as interviewing them.
Brexit-backing areas historicly tied to the Labour Party, known as the Red Wall, are housing a disproportionate number of asylum seekers.
The UK government now aims to become the legal parent of unaccompanied child migrants who land in Britain, a report on Wednesday has claimed.
Nigel Farage has warned that the UK faces the prospect of suffering the same fate as Sweden if it continues down the path of mass migration.