data mining

Adultery Minus Women Equals Ashley Madison

A deep dive into the subscriber data by Annalee Newitz of Gizmodo suggests there were even fewer female subscribers than previously believed – in fact, she could only find evidence that about 12,000 out of 37 million total profiles belonged to “real women who were active users of Ashley Madison.”

ashley madison

Amazon and The New ‘Big Data’ Proletariat

Amazon views its work environments as a tough response to slack conditions elsewhere in the labor force, encouraging excellence and superior effort from its workers by setting standards it proudly describes as “unreasonably high.” Many horrified readers thought the NYT article described brutally exploitative conditions covered by corporate happy-talk about achievement.


ObamaCare System Quietly Passing Personal Data to Outside Websites

Remember all those promises about how the ObamaCare website,, would be a veritable Fort Knox of data integrity, a super-secure environment where your personal information would be treated like delicate, priceless treasure? Never mind all that! The more your rulers know about you, the better they can predict or manipulate your actions. It was inevitable that data harvested from ObamaCare applications would be stored and put to later use.

AP/Don Ryan