Delingpole: UN Climate Summit Tragically ‘Postponed’ Because of Coronavirus
The United Nations’ next big climate conference COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland has been ‘postponed’ for a year.

The United Nations’ next big climate conference COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland has been ‘postponed’ for a year.
The BBC has completely lost the plot on climate change with its star enviro loon Sir David Attenborough leading the charge over the cliff edge like the wrinkliest, long-tusked male in a herd of suicidal walruses.
China is planning massively to ramp up its coal-fired energy production. This makes a nonsense of claims by gullible Western politicians and dishonest environmental activists that China is as keen as anyone to do its bit to ‘combat climate change.’
It was one of the most heart-rending animal tragedy episodes ever shown on TV: hundreds of walruses shown plunging over a cliff to their deaths out of “desperation” caused by climate change….
Every year the government takes £340 out of your household budget so that creepy crony capitalist Dale Vince can chop up more birds and bats with his wind turbines and bankroll his vegetarian football club.
Across the Western world tens of thousands of brainwashed kids are bunking off school in what has misleadingly been described as a ‘Climate Strike.’
The Prince of Wales has warned global leaders that if we don’t tackle climate change in 18 months the human race will go extinct.
“Wouldn’t it be worth five years of Labour lunacy just to give British conservatism the kick up the arse it needs?” a correspondent asks me.
Britain’s Marxist prospective future Chancellor of the Exchequer has outlined his plans for the red-green terror which will engulf the world’s fifth largest economy, come the revolution.
The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) has made a formal complaint to the BBC about the series of gross inaccuracies in its recent documentary Climate Change: The Facts.
The only reason I write articles attacking the irrefutable science of “climate change” is that I am paid such vast sums to lie. Besides the stupendous salary I get from Breitbart News, I also receive generous retainers from the oil industry and the tobacco industry, which, for reasons of crass right-wing ideology or crude economic self-interest, require me to churn out propaganda stories, day in day out, insisting that global warming is a myth.
Susan Crockford, arguably the world’s greatest polar bear expert, has some really bad news for environmentalists.
Why do so many apparently informed, intelligent, educated people still believe in ManBearPig? For the same reason that the U.S. underestimated the Japanese threat before Pearl Harbor; that General MacArthur stupidly advanced north of the 38th parallel in Korea; that JFK got embroiled in the Bay of Pigs disaster; that LBJ dragged the U.S. deeper and deeper into the Vietnam War.
Climate change is a religion whose followers behave like members of the Inquisition; it’s a condition where the cure is causing far more damage than the alleged disease; it’s a recipe for killing jobs, lowering standards of living and hurting the poor…
From the world of science – as opposed to grant-troughing junk science – two more studies confirming that the man-made global warming scare is a myth.
Climate alarmists have finally admitted that they’ve got it wrong on global warming. This is the inescapable conclusion of a landmark paper, published in Nature Geoscience, which finally admits that the computer models have overstated the impact of carbon dioxide on climate and that the planet is warming more slowly than predicted.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) – the miracle technology which will supposedly allow us to burn more coal while saving the planet from global warming – is a complete waste of time and energy.
Suppose you were a Conservative leader hoping to win a stonking majority in your general election campaign, which of these two manifesto propositions do you think would win the most votes?
Yesterday I asked of lying liar climate ‘scientist’ Michael Mann: “Does anyone take this guy seriously any more?”
Climate Change is more real, and dangerous, and worrying than ever before because lots of bad weather has happened around the world.
Wow! Breitbart’s climate science has come under attack from a devastating new rhetorical technique: the argumentum ad puellam pulchram. (aka the Argument from a Pretty Girl)
Global land temperatures have plummeted by 1 degree C since the middle of this year – the biggest and steepest fall on record. But the news has been greeted with an eerie silence by the world’s alarmist community.
Matt Ridley’s annual Global Warming Policy Foundation lecture at the Royal Society in London last night was great – and I do recommend you read the text in full, now that it’s available on the GWPF website.
Britain is currently in the midst of a heatwave with temperatures as high as 34 degrees C (that’s 94 degrees in old money – fahrenheit).
Official: Britain no longer has “the greenest government ever.” Incoming Prime Minister Theresa May has driven a stake through the heart of her predecessor David Cameron’s fluffy, faux-Conservative project by scrapping the Department of Energy And Climate Change (DECC). Established
The world is losing interest in “global warming” a survey has found on the eve of the UN’s COP21 climate talks in Paris. Most people in most of the 20 countries surveyed say they don’t want their leaders to set
Energy campaigners have called on the British government to “realise” at least one shale project in the UK, to prove the technology’s worth and to prevent investors drifting away to projects abroad. “The most important step now is to kick-start one shale
Member of Parliament David Davies has warned of the stubborn nature of organisations like Britain’s Royal Society – the oldest grouping of eminent scientists in the world – who have admitted that they will not accept any other thinking on global warming for
there has now been no “global warming” for 18 years and six months. Not only does this contradict all the doomladen climate models cited in the IPCC’s various reports – none of them predicted the so-called “Pause” – but it also means that not one of the kids in school being fed climate propaganda by their on-message teachers has ever personally lived during a time of global warming.
The Global Warming Policy Foundation has published a transcript of an exchange between Lord Lawson and Bank of England governor Mark Carney at the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee. Three things are clear. 1. The Canadian import Carney cannot
Today, as I’m sure you know, is International Polar Bear Day. And I’m afraid the news is bad… …Bad news, that is, for all those environmentalists from David Attenborough downwards who have spent the last few years assiduously bigging up
Ever since Climategate, the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia has enjoyed just international renown as a world centre of data-fudgin’, scientific-method-abusin’, FOI-dodgin’, decline-hidin’, grant-troughin’, junk-science-endorsin’ global warming propaganda. But did you know that the chap who