Pinkerton: Biden Channels Truman and Clinton to Win in 2024
Joe Biden might not seem all that smart to you. But he’s smart enough to follow the example of Harry Truman and Bill Clinton, and they both won second terms.

Joe Biden might not seem all that smart to you. But he’s smart enough to follow the example of Harry Truman and Bill Clinton, and they both won second terms.
Best-selling writer and award-winning American historian David McCullough has died at the age of 89.
Democrat President Joe Biden’s approval rating is the lowest of any modern president at this point in his presidency, excluding former Presidents Donald Trump and Gerald Ford.
There was once a Democrat Congressman and a Democrat aide who spied for a communist country, and a Democrat president who took action.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday marked the third anniversary of U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by thanking President Donald Trump and hanging a copy of the American president’s proclamation on the wall of the cabinet room beside a 1948 proclamation by then-president Harry Truman recognizing the new State of Israel.
A look back in U.S. history tells us just how much can change when a president is suddenly replaced by a vice president.
Democrats faced a grim problem with an unhealthy nominee in the 1944 election, and they developed an effective workaround.
Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is chiding President Donald Trump for his handling of the coronavirus outbreak while giving a day-to-day running commentary on his job performance.
The New York Times published an editorial that said U.S. law should be changed to prevent Pelosi from replacing an impeached President Trump.
If Democrats like Sanders and Warren can demonstrate that they’re truly sincere in helping the working class and not just using workers for props—well, who knows what could happen in 2020.
A new analysis by The College Fix this week reveals that the federal Truman Scholarship was only awarded to leftist students in 2018. None of the 59 recipients identified as a conservative American.
His opponents—within the president’s party, in the opposition party, and in possible new parties—are lining up. Indeed, the insider pundits mostly agree: The president is a failure, and is likely a one-termer. The president I’m describing, of course, was Harry Truman.
According to a new poll, 68 percent of Americans believe that providing “Medicare for All” should be an “extremely important priority.”
In politics, every new communications technology creates, or at least empowers, a new style of politician.
The wealthy grandson of 1948 Progressive Party presidential candidate Henry A. Wallace is faring no better on the campaign trail in Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District in 2018 than his grandfather did 70 years ago.
Keeping in step with decades of White House tradition, President Donald Trump duly pardoned “Drumstick” the turkey on Tuesday, but two of his esteemed predecessors were less interested in symbolic animal reprieves. They ate their turkeys instead.
President Trump’s warning that North Korean threats would be met with “fire and fury like the world has never seen” triggered paroxysms of nuclear war anxiety among many in the mainstream media. Instead of sober analyses of the military situation with North Korea, we got “OMG TRUMP IS GOING TO BLOW UP THE WORLD” hysteria.
What they say about the weather is also true of politics: If you don’t like what’s happening now, wait a bit—because things will change. The same point holds true for presidential politics. What happens to a president early on is not automatically dispositive to what happens to that president later on. History is full of examples of presidential comebacks, and President Reagan’s first term is a case in point.
The Democrat-controlled Legislature’s efforts to establish ‘Healthy California Act’ as a $400 billion a year takeover of state’s $400 billion in healthcare is about to pass.
Art critics today are unable to distinguish between pieces of “Modern Art” and a child’s doodlings. Here’s how that happened.
Truman recognized Israel because, as he wrote, “I think the proper thing to do…is to do what I think is right and let them all go to hell.”
Measured against his predecessors, Trump’s first 100 days place him in league with Reagan and Johnson, for sheer impact.
Contents: Russia’s policies thrown into confusion as US resumes its ‘world policeman’ role; President Trump reinstates the ‘Truman Doctrine’; Shock and euphoria follow the missile strike on Syria
Former President Barack Obama had an overall average approval rating of 47.9 percent, according to a Gallup poll released Friday.
Trump can make an immediate contribution to peace by moving forward with his plans to move the U.S. embassy to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, on Day One of his presidency.
Contents: No war erupted from Trump’s ten minute phone call with Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen; From the Truman Doctrine to renewed nationalism
“All you need to know about Donald Trump is he loves his family and he loves this country,” Mike Pence told the crowd.
President Obama “goes out of his way in the speech to say that mankind has engaged in wars for the entire existence of the species, so that everybody is equally guilty, all of the time, and we should just recognize that, and rise to his level, have that moral revolution. And, as he says, have an entirely different way of thinking about war,” John Bolton said.
Former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton joined SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon on Friday’s Breitbart News Daily to talk about President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima.
A new study documents that “regulatory drag” has eliminated about a third of economic growth in America since 1980, and explains why the top one percent’s inflation-adjusted share of income has tripled, while the middle class has lost income.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich tells Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM what he expects from President Obama’s announced visit to Hiroshima.
Fox News reports confirmation from the U.S. Navy that Iran flew a surveillance drone over the aircraft USS Harry Truman on January 12, the same day Iran committed a war crime with impunity, by taking ten American sailors hostage and using them in video propaganda.
In an interview on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily, historian Victor Davis Hanson spoke about the decline of his native California and increasing distance between the Democrat and Republican elites and average, middle-class Americans. Hanson is a columnist, former classics professor, scholar of ancient warfare, and the author of numerous books on history and politics, including his newest The Decline and Fall of California: From Decadence to Destruction.
Contents: Germany to deport thousands of Afghan and Balkans migrants home; President Obama orders American special forces into Syria
Contents: President Obama reverses himself on Afghanistan troop withdrawal; The ‘surge’ strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan; China and US poised for South China Sea military confrontation
Contents: Palestinian-Israeli violence continues in Gaza and West Bank; Obama administration announces an abrupt change of policy in Syria; Obama administration may be forced into greater military role
In what is potentially a major escalation in the growing sectarian wars in the Mideast, intelligence officials are saying that Russia appears to be building a new military base in Syria, in the Mediterranean port city of Latakia, with an airfield and prefabricated housing units for up to 1,000 personnel.
Contents: Japan’s Shinzo Abe raises controversy at Hiroshima commemoration; Japan’s Shinzo Abe ‘insults’ Korea in plans for commemorating end of WW II; Palestinians promise to continue efforts to pursue Israeli ‘criminals’
On April 18, 2015, nearly two years after my book American Betrayal was published by St. Martin’s Press, National Review Online published its fifth piece attacking it. The article is by Ron Capshaw. It is also Capshaw’s fifth attack on my book. Aside from a previous attack in passing also appearing at NRO (which brings NRO’s tally to six attacks in all), Capshaw has published three other attacks on my book at three different outlets.