Michael Gove - Page 2

Delingpole: We Need a Kingslayer to Deal with the Mad Monarch Boris

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s latest mad wheeze is to propose extending the lockdown — “shielding” is his preferred euphemism — to people over 50. Naturally this has gone down like a cup of cold sick in the Conservatives’ natural constituency, which largely comprises people over the age of 50. 24 hours after floating the idea in the newspapers the government started to backtrack. And understandably so.

iron throne

Delingpole: Climate Crisis? What Climate Crisis?

The eco-fascist campaign group Extinction Rebellion tells us there is a ‘climate emergency’. So too do all Britain’s main political parties. So too do UK government bodies such as the Committee on Climate Change and the Environment Agency.

SAN RAMON, CALIFORNIA - SEPTEMBER 27: A youth climate activist uses a bullhorn as she lead