France: Teacher Subjected to Death Threat Over Mohammed Cartoons
A teacher was subjected to death threats after discussing freedom of expression and cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammed.

A teacher was subjected to death threats after discussing freedom of expression and cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammed.
The editorial staff at Sweden’s largest Arabic-language news website say they received a flood of hateful comments following the death of Swedish Mohammed cartoonist Lars Vilks this week.
Self-confessed Muslims on social media have celebrated a car crash that left cartoonist Lars Vilks and two police officers dead on Sunday.
Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, whose caricature of Mohammed sparked a bloody backlash from Islamists, died peacefully at the age of 86.
A schools trust has cleared of wrongdoing a teacher who went into hiding following death threats for showing cartoons of Mohammed to his class, but said that it was “not necessary” to use the images of the Islamic prophet.
A British teacher who showed his class a caricature of Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, during a lesson on blasphemy remains under police protection six weeks after the incident, amid fears of retribution against him and his family.
A teacher who showed a caricature of Mohammed has been effectively abandoned by the British government, the National Secular Society claimed.
The most senior Primate in England’s established church has backed free speech following protests and threats after a teacher in West Yorkshire showed a class a caricature of the Islamic prophet Mohammed.
A Pakistani man accused in a double stabbing outside the former Paris offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo has been handed preliminary terrorism charges.
The 18-year-old Pakistani currently being held by French police for attacking two people with a meat cleaver has reportedly admitted that he had wanted to target those working at Charlie Hebdo in revenge for the satirical magazine republishing cartoons of the Muslim prophet, Mohammed.
A Muslim organisation in the Swedish city of Växjö have complained to local police after claiming to have found posters in an area of the city that caricatures the Muslim prophet, Mohammed. Members of the Växjö Muslim Foundation made reports to the
Al-Qaeda operative Ali Charaf Damache was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment by a U.S. court for his role in recruiting other radicals in a plot to assassinate Swedish artist Lars Vilks.
Bosch Fawstin, winner of the Mohammed Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas, has made a new Mohammed cartoon showing Dutch politician Geert Wilders putting the Islamic prophet Mohammed behind bars. Mr Fawstin came first in last April’s contest, which was attacked
European politicians have slammed the Danish Headmaster’s Association’s announcement to not show Mohammed cartoons in the classroom, a move a coalition of parties has denounced as censorship. The controversy began after the new Danish schools curriculum called for the 2005 Mohammed
Danish and Norwegian newspaper editors who bravely published Prophet Mohammed cartoons are set to receive a prestigious award from a Norwegian free speech group, as well as 100,000 Norwegian Kroner (£8,000/$12,000). Jyllands-Posten editor Flemming Rose will be honoured by the Fritt
It’s an odd feeling sitting down to write this, it’s a mixture of relief and foreboding. The Mohammed Cartoon exhibit that I and others had planned for September in London has been cancelled, and the fact that this has brought relief should
Facing up to four-and-a-half years in prison if found guilty, two Turkish newspaper commentators went on trial yesterday for illustrating columns with a cartoon of Mohammed. Charges of “inciting public hatred” and “insulting religious values” were brought against Ceyda Karan and
Because Jeff Zucker is hoping to salvage CNN by turning the news narrative into a left-wing reality show (it’s not working), this requires that all Big Stories have a villain, and a subsequent Hate Campaign against said villain. Naturally, the
JERUSALEM, Israel — As police scrambled to contain a possible terror attack on a Mohammed cartoon contest in Texas, legal scholars and activists gathered in Jerusalem for a conference on terrorism and its implications for the laws of war.
CNN anchor John Vause wondered if questions were “being asked” if “in some ways, were they asking for some kind of attack” during CNN’s coverage of the shooting at the Mohammed Art Exhibit and Contest in Garland, Texas on Sunday. Vause
Two Democrat U.S. Representatives are seeking to block Wilders from entering the United States where he is scheduled to speak at the First Annual Muhammad Art Exhibit and Contest. The event will be hosted May 3rd at the Curtis Caldwell Center, which is owned and operated by the Garland Independent School District. The exhibit is being hosted by the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI). The Curtis Caldwell Center was the site of a “Honor the Prophet” rally in January. About two thousand Texans came out to protest the event.
Mark your calendar: coming on May 3, my organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, will hold our Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in the Dallas area to show that we will defend free speech and not give in to
Our American Freedom Defense Initiative’s Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest will be held on May 3 in the Dallas area to show that we will defend free speech and not give in to violent intimidation. We have received over 350 submissions of Muhammad cartoons from all over the world, and now we are throwing open the voting on the best of these to you. You and voters worldwide will choose the winner of the People’s Choice Award.
Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks, host of the free-speech conference in Copenhagen that came under attack this weekend – and quite possibly the primary target of the attackers, as he spent the last eight years living under an Islamist death sentence for drawing a cartoon of Mohammed – gave an interview to France24 after the attack, in which he declared he was not intimidated by the violence.
Sky News, a British news channel, cut short a live interview with a former Charlie Hebdo editor after she held a copy of the latest issue before the camera. Caroline Fourest is a French feminist and former editor of Charlie
A number of prominent imams and clerics spoke out against the newest cover of Charlie Hebdo, which shows a crying Mohammed with a sign that said “Je Suis Charlie.” Hate preacher Anjem Choudary called it an “act of war.” Lesser known self-proclaimed teachers of Islam used social media to condemn the cover. These names may not be familiar, but they have between 3,000 and 36,000 followers on Twitter. They are followed by many of the Twitter accounts that Breitbart News regularly publishes to expose the insanity of radical Islamists.