
Math Journal Kills Research Study After PC Backlash

A former professor at the University of Georgia claims that a math journal deleted a statistic study he did on the achievement gap between men and women at similar levels of intelligence after a backlash from board members who found the study too controversial for their politically correct values.

shredded paper

University of Chicago Leads Charge Against PC Thought Police

In rebellion against the trend toward less freedom of expression in higher education, Chicago states that its commitment to academic freedom “means that we do not support so-called ‘trigger warnings,’ we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial, and we do not condone the creation of intellectual ‘safe spaces’ where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own.”

The Main Quadrangles (Quad) on the Hyde Park Campus of the University of Chicago on Novemb

Op-Ed: Fight Back Against the ‘Stop the I-word’ Campaign

The PC political culture is campaigning hard to stop use of the terms “alien” and “illegal alien.” The mainstream press is tortuously contorting and elongating sentences to avoid use of the terms. A link provided below lets you fight back and hopefully put a stop to this coercive political correctness.

AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill

Confederate Flag First, Fleur-De-Lis Next?

Now that the Confederate flag has been used as an excuse to eviscerate the history of the South, others are looking to destroy more symbols that are part of the region’s history, including Louisiana’s fleur-de-lis.
