Raul Castro - Page 6

Cuban Refugees Take to the Waters as Raúl Castro Ramps Up Oppression

Nearly 100 Cuban refugees reached the United States in the past week, with 51 refugees landing in the Florida Keys on Sunday alone. With the number of Cubans risking their lives on the high seas booming since President Barack Obama “normalized” relations with Cuba in 2014, officials fear a greater increase following the death of Fidel Castro.

Seven would-be Cuban emigres remain in a homemade boat moments before being arrested by Cu

Washington Post: Farewell to Cuba’s Brutal Big Brother

One of the most brutal dictators in modern history has just died. Oddly enough, some will mourn his passing, and many an obituary will praise him. Millions of Cubans who have been waiting impatiently for this moment for more than half a century will simply ponder his crimes and recall the pain and suffering he caused.

Associated Press

Cuba Announces ‘Military Exercises’ Following Trump Victory

The communist government of Cuba announced Wednesday that it would begin “five days of nationwide military exercises” to “materialize the doctrine of All People’s War,” according to the state propaganda arm. The announcement follows the election of Republican Donald Trump as U.S.

Cuba's foreign ministry underscored that progress on rapprochement would require an end to