Robots - Page 4

Burger Flipping Robot Replaces Workers At Fast Food Restaurant

A Californian fast food restaurant has introduced a robot that flips and cooks burgers, replacing human workers at the grill. The Telegraph reports that the robot, named Flippy, was developed by Miso Robotics and began its first day on the

Latino and African-American workers campaign for a $15 minimum wage.

Robot Umpires Will Not Happen, If MLB Commish Has His Way

This week has been quite a week for robots and baseball. On Monday, Jose Canseco went on a prolonged Twitter rant, in which he prophesized a future in which human beings would serve robot machines as their pets. On Tuesday, Commissioner Rob Manfred addressed questions from reporters on the feasibility of robots replacing umpires at home plate.

Terry Collins

Cafe X’s Robot Barista May Put Hipsters Out of a Job

Hipsters beware: the new face of coffee shops doesn’t have a face at all. “Gordon” is the first in a new line of robotic automated baristas at Cafe X in San Francisco, capable of taking and delivering two orders a minute, every minute, all day long.

Cafe X

Lowe’s Debuts Bilingual Customer Service Robot

A new bilingual customer service robot at Lowe’s hardware store shows users where to find specific items in-store by rolling around and taking them there itself. LoweBot, which has been spotted around several San Francisco Bay Area stores, wanders through


Whole Foods’ 365: Where Kiosks Replace Workers

Whole Foods may still be seen by shoppers as an alternative to corporate grocery chains, but the highly-profitable corporation just opened its first “365 by Whole Foods” in Los Angeles in an effort to use kiosks and robots to cut 60 percent of staffing costs and maximize profitability.

365 by Whole Foods (Facebook)