Stanford - Page 3

Missing Junipero Serra Statue Head Recovered

The decapitated head of a statue of 18th century Roman Catholic missionary St. Junipero Serra, which went missing this past October, was discovered by a young girl during low tide Saturday afternoon, just off the coast of Monterey.

Junipero Serra (Reuters)

Update: UC Regents Pass Anti-Zionism Resolution

In the face of a stunning rise in antisemitism on college campuses throughout California, often in the guise of criticism of Israel, the University of California Regents will vote Wednesday over whether anti-Zionism should be condemned as a form of discrimination.

The Associated Press

Bay Area Med Students Choose Starting Businesses over Residency

KQED’s data showed Bay Area-based medical students’ rates of proceeding to residency programs after graduation from Stanford and UCSF were some of the lowest in the country. Stanford ranked 117th among 123 U.S. medical schools; only 65% of its students opted to continue their work in residency programs, according to Doximity. UCSF ranked 98th with 79% of the students choosing residency. The figures do not take into account students who may have postponed residency.

Health Care costs (David Franklin / Getty)

Stanford President Hennessy Resigns, as Biz School Rated #1

Stanford University President John Hennessy just announced that he will resign next year after a 15 year run, shortly after the Stanford Business School was rated number one on the planet. By conversations on the web, Stanford is by far the most mentioned university, because most of the captains of Internet industry are its graduates.

John Hennessy (Steve Jennings / Getty)