Umpqua Community College - Page 2

Ben Carson: Gun-Free Campuses Lead to Danger

On October 6 the Christian Science Monitor published an interview with Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson in which he stressed that campus carry is an expression of liberty and warned that banning guns from campuses leads to danger.

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Demi Lovato: Don’t Blame Mass Shootings On The Mentally Ill

As Democrats focus on mental illness as an angle that can be used to justify more gun control in the wake of the Umpqua Community College (UCC) attack, singer Demi Lovato is standing up to say the mentally ill are a greater danger to themselves than to others and ought not be used as an excuse to further a political agenda.

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New York Magazine: Time to Turn America Into a Gun-Free Zone

On October 2–the day after the heinous attack on innocents in the gun free facilities of Umpqua Community College–New York magazine claimed that the difficulty of pinpointing future criminals should cause the US to rethink its gun policy and consider making the entire country a gun-free zone.

Gun Control Rally

California Firearms Academy Rejected Umpqua Gunman

A self-defense and law enforcement training facility in Torrance, California, claims that sometime around 2012 or 2013 Umpqua Community College gunman Chris Harper Mercer wanted to take advanced firearm instruction but was denied because he allegedly wanted to forgo a gun safety course to do it.

The Associated Press

Obama Goes Beyond Mere Gun Control, Hints at Confiscation

When President Obama spoke in reaction to the heinous October 1 attack on Umpqua Community College, he went beyond his usual calls for more gun control and suggested instead that America consider following the path blazed by Australia and Great Britain.

Obama Changes Rules on Obamacare AP