Kelley Vlahos Discusses Burn Pits and the Impact of War on Veterans’ Health
Vlahos said when she first began to hear stories of Gulf War veterans suffering from respiratory problems, it immediately resonated with her.

Vlahos said when she first began to hear stories of Gulf War veterans suffering from respiratory problems, it immediately resonated with her.
An 80-year-old Marine veteran is expected to receive the nation’s highest military honor for his “conspicuous gallantry” during the Vietnam War in the 1960s.
A Vietnam veteran, who lived in Aurora, Colorado, shot and killed an alleged home intruder on Monday only to be shot and killed himself when police arrived.
Oscar-winning actress Jane Fonda reflected on being labeled an anti-American traitor during an appearance this week at Television Critics Associations Summer Press Tour.
The embattled Republican president is besieged by hostile Democrats and an even more hostile media, who regard him as politically dubious (he was, after all, elected with less than a majority of the popular vote), ideologically out of step (he is deemed “wrong” on the big issues of the day), and personally gauche, even repulsive (the mocking of his physical appearance is perhaps the most savage in American history).
President Donald Trump says he may pardon another late heavyweight boxing champion — this time, Muhammad Ali.
President Donald Trump announced that he was considering a pardon for boxing champion Muhammad Ali, continuing his string of high-profile pardons.
On Memorial Day, Camp Pendleton unveiled a Vietnam Memorial honoring 2,706 American heroes killed in action during the Vietnam War.
Emmy Award-winning writer and director Todd Robinson visited Breitbart News Saturday to discuss the rewards and difficulties of making The Last Full Measure, the incredible story of the Vietnam heroics of Airman William Pitsenbarger and the thirty-year campaign to get him awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Veteran actor Bill Murray praised the Parkland, Florida, students who became gun control activists after last month’s mass shooting, comparing the teens in an NBC op-ed to the anti-Vietnam War protesters.
President Donald Trump’s White House is set to screen Steven Spielberg’s Pentagon Papers drama The Post, ahead of the film’s nationwide release.
Contents: Remembering the 1914 World War I Christmas Truce; The ‘anti-war movement’ in World War I; World War I vs World War II and World War III
Former Alabama Chief Justice and U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore has always enjoyed a good fight. He fought to get into West Point.
In an interview on Monday, Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon told biographer Keith Koffler, whose book Bannon: Always the Rebel hit shelves this week, about his upbringing in a family of “Kennedy Democrats.”
Breitbart News was able to meet and thank numerous veterans at Battle Tested Equipment’s (BTE) annual Veterans Day Shoot.
Defense Secretary James Mattis and Army leaders inducted Vietnam veteran Army Spc. 5 James C. McCloughan into the Pentagon Hall of Heroes in a standing-room only ceremony on Tuesday.
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Dr. David Shulkin appeared on Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily to discuss reforms made at the V.A. on his watch, the challenges that still remain, the state of health care reform for the private sector, and the emotional Medal of Honor ceremony for Vietnam War Army medic James McCloughan.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — President Donald Trump presented the Medal of Honor to former Specialist Five James C. McCloughan of the U.S. Army for “for conspicuous gallantry during the Vietnam War.”
In January, one unidentified person made a phone call asking authorities to remove a cross that has stood for 51 years in honor of a fallen Vietnam War soldier at the San Diego County airport in Ocotillo Wells.
A grandmother from California has brought letter-writing to a new art form by sending hand-written letters to troops stationed overseas.
Among the 58,000-plus names etched on the Vietnam War Memorial are the names of eight American civilian and military women, all nurses, who died from accidents or wounds sustained in Vietnam. On Memorial Day Monday, their names were remembered once again.
Vice President Mike Pence greeted a crowd of around 200, mostly veterans, at the White House on Monday at an event commemorating Public Service Recognition Week and National Military Appreciation Month.
Four Vietnam war heroes were honored Tuesday for their bravery during the Vietnam War 45 years ago.
California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León took “full responsibility” for his controversial ejection of Republican State Sen. Janet Nguyen (R-Garden Grove) from the floor of the legislature last week, after she criticized late liberal State Sen. Tom Hayden for his opposition to the Vietnam War.
Sales have skyrocketed for famed journalist David Halberstam’s book The Best and the Brightest after it was reported that President Donald Trump’s chief strategist Steve Bannon is reading it and encouraging White House staffers to do the same.
Democrats removed State Senator Janet Nguyen (R-Garden Grove) from the floor of the legislature after she dared to criticize the late State Sen. Tom Hayden, a liberal icon, for his opposition to the Vietnam War. Now, the Los Angeles Times‘ Christine Mai-Duc
When a 70-year-old Vietnam veteran from St. Louis was confronted by armed suspects in Madison County, Illinois, on Thursday, he pulled his own gun and opened fire, killing one and wounding the second.
Outgoing President Barack Obama appears not to have the time to bestow the military’s highest award for valor, the Medal of Honor, to former U.S. Army Spc. Jim McCloughan, 70, for his personal acts above and beyond the call of duty as a medic during the Vietnam War.
In earlier installments, we examined the 2016 elections and their impact on the Democrats. We have also pondered the likely contours of the 2018 midterm elections and how Republicans might think about solidifying their Congressional majority. Now, we will look through the prism of history at the 2020 presidential election by studying Richard Nixon’s presidency.
Retired Army Lt. Col. Charles Kettles will be awarded the Medal of Honor on July 18 for saving the lives of 40 soldiers and four members of his own unit while serving as a helicopter pilot during a Vietnam War ambush.
A Massachusetts left-wing congressman in a closely-held letter passed to Breitbart News called on colleagues to ramp up the flow of Syrian refugees less than 48 hours after terrorist Omar Mateen executed 49 revelers at Orlando’s Pulse gay nightclub and wounded at least 50 more.
Ted Williams lost five seasons to World War II and the Korean War. We look at the 521 home runs and .344 lifetime batting average and think: what might have been? Muhammad Ali lost more than three years in his prime to the Vietnam War, and some also ask: what might have been?
Vandals in Venice defaced a memorial to Vietnam War veterans who were Prisoners Of War (POW) or who never returned home because Missing In Action (MIA).
The families of U.S. servicemen want Barack Obama to petition Hanoi for information on prisoners of war still not accounted for after the conclusion of the Vietnam War.
Four U.S. Marine veterans, who fought together during the Vietnam War, reunited for the first time in 50 years last weekend to recreate an iconic moment they had captured on camera in their youth, the Naples Daily News reports.
In 1967, University of California president Clark Kerr was fired by the Board of Regents for being too lenient in dealing with student protests. On Monday, Tim Wolfe of the University of Missouri resigned because he had not been lenient enough.
Representative Sam Johnson (R-TX), a veteran of the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and a former prisoner in the Hanoi Hilton talked about his time in Vietnam during Saturday’s GOP Weekly Address, which focused on Veterans’ Day. Transcript as Follows: Wednesday
On Friday, Politico ran a stunning headline about soaring 2016 Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson: “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship.”
Democratic presidential candidate Jim Webb is considering leaving the Democratic Party to run as an independent nominee, asserting that the Democratic Party is helping frontrunner Hillary Clinton win her bid for the presidency. Former Sen. Webb’s campaign released initial information about his possible exit from the Democratic Party when sending out details about a press conference he is holding on Tuesday at the National Press Club.
It was the spring of 1968, and Donald Trump had it good.