Whether perpetrated by students or school faculty, instances of violence or threats against conservative students — and sometimes even conservative professors — are becoming commonplace on America’s college campuses. This trend is also expanding to the high school level.

Here is a list of violent instances or threats made against conservatives on campus — or made by leftists in academia — that have been reported since 2016.

This list will be updated as needed. Back-filling it will be an ongoing project. Please contact Breitbart News with any updates or incidents you think deserve to be added to this list.

May 30, 2019: University of Chicago student says he received death threats over pro-life bill

May 14, 2019: UNC-Chapel Hill student arrested after stealing a sign from pro-life activist

May 11, 2019: UNC-Chapel Hill student physically attacks pro-life activist

May 9, 2019: Mizzou student destroys Turning Point USA sign, calls conservative student “fascist”

May 7, 2019: Arsonist sets pro-life poster on fire at Western Washington University

May 6, 2019: Students at Texas State University arrested over an incident involving the assault of one student wearing a MAGA hat

May 3, 2019: UNLV students tear down Turning Point USA display, flip table

May 1, 2019: Black pro-life speaker faces smoke bomb attack at University of Texas

April 13, 2019: Police investigate “bias incident” at South Seattle College after Turning Point USA chapter president stalked by man in SUV

April 8, 2019: University of Connecticut professor encourages students to obstruct attendance for Turning Point USA event

April 4, 2019: LSU protester jumps on stage, disrupts Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens’ Turning Point USA speech

April 1, 2019: Beloit College cancels Erik Prince speech amid protests, student protesters cheer upon successfully shutting down event

March 25, 2019: Tulane University students set fire to Turning Point USA chapter president’s dorm room door

March 21, 2019: Georgia Southern University calls police on students for exercising their free speech outside the bounds of the “free speech zone”

March 8, 2019: Portland State University speaker unable to speak due to Leftist protester ringing cowbell while security watches

February 22, 2019: UC Berkeley employee celebrates violence against conservative activist on campus

February 21, 2019: Conservative activist Hayden Williams punched in the face at UC Berkeley

February 15, 2019: SUNY students get death threats after hosting “Build the Wall” event

February 13, 2019: Dartmouth students surround Dinesh D’Souza, chant “go home racist”

February 9, 2019: Yale University student newspaper suggest collecting evidence on white male classmates to ruin their careers later on in life

January 23, 2019: Dartmouth professor argues in favor of “doxing” Covington Catholic students

December 19, 2018: University of San Francisco law professor allegedly receives threats for wanting to establish a legal clinic for due process rights

December 17, 2018: Stanford medical student reported to Title IX office over pro-life views

December 17, 2018: University of Southern California students demand professor’s termination after he defends due process rights

December 5, 2018: Vandals strike home of Purdue University College Republicans faculty adviser

November 30, 2018: Harvard student faces eviction after roommates see MAGA hat and ransacked her room for (legal) guns

November 15, 2018: University of Texas leftists try to shut down Turning Point USA event, label conservative student as “enemies”

November 7, 2018: SUNY professor Laura Ebert caught stealing GOP yard signs ahead of 2018 midterm elections

November 2, 2018: Florida State University student throws a drink at a conservative student during meltdown

October 18, 2018: Ole Miss professor suggests contaminating conservatives’ food

October 16, 2018: University of Washington teaching assistant doxes and records conservative students eating lunch

October 12, 2018: Indiana University student charged after destroying pro-life displays

October 11, 2018: UNC Asheville professor arrested for stealing conservative political signs

October 8, 2018: Leftist tears down conservative posters at University of Washington

October 5, 2018: Left-wing group “doxes” Kavanaugh supporters at University of Texas

October 4, 2018: University of Texas protesters surround conservative students, destroy signs

October 2, 2018: Georgetown University professor claims GOP senators deserve “slow miserable deaths” and “castration”

April 30, 2018: Anti-Zionist NYU students arrested at Israel Independence Day Party, charged with reckless endangerment, assault

April 10, 2018: University of Illinois instructor assaults Trump supporters, students sue university for restricting their right to report on it

April 3, 2018: Flyer in high school English class compares Republicans to Nazis

February 8, 2018: Journalist calls for professors to drown conservative students

February 8, 2018: Northeastern University wishes death on Trump during lecture

January 15, 2018: Georgetown University advisor wishes sexual assault upon conservative commentator Allie Stuckey

December 9, 2017: Fordham University students booted from coffee shop by fellow student for wearing MAGA hats

November 22, 2017: Trump-hater snatches, steals student’s MAGA hat at University of California, Riverside

November 21, 2017: Wilfrid Laurier University berates teaching assistant for playing a Jordan Peterson video in class

November 3, 2017: “Multicultural” office at Providence College hosts “stab a Trumpkin” display

October 19, 2017: Left-wing thugs arrested for disrupting College Republican meeting, shouting “fascists,” “racists,” and “white supremacists”

September 15, 2017: John Jay College professor tweets that he is proud to teach “future dead cops”

August 29, 2017: Former California-area professor charged with assault for allegedly beating Trump supporter with bike lock

August 28, 2017: University of Nebraska-Lincoln employees harass, call police on conservative student activists

August 14, 2017: Conservative student attacked for “YAF” hat at vigil for Charlottesville victims

June 19, 2017: University of Georgia socialist group under police investigation after calling for beheading Republicans

April 20, 2017: University of Alaska displays professor’s painting of a decapitated Trump in its gallery

April 8, 2017: Fresno State professor says Trump supporters “must hang” in order to save democracy

March 15, 2017: University of Michigan student detained after damaging Trump supporter’s flag

March 6, 2017: Berkeley man arrested for destroying College Republican sign

March 6, 2017: Angry mob derails Charles Murray event at Middlebury College, sends professor to hospital

February 11, 2017: University of Central Florida club incites young kids to “kill Donald Trump”

February 8, 2017: CSUF instructor suspended for striking pro-Trump student

February 7, 2017: Student pepper sprayed while wearing a “Make Bitcoin Great Again” hat

February 1, 2017: UC Berkeley Milo Yiannopoulos event evacuated as masked Antifa members start fires, swarm building

January 30, 2017: Anti-Trump graffiti spray-painted on Rowan University sign

December 29, 2016: Ivanka Trump harassed on JetBlue flight by college professor

December 25, 2016: Drexel University professor says “all I want for Christmas is white genocide”

December 23, 2016: Bryn Mawr student and Trump supporter harassed until she drops out

December 15, 2016: Cornell College Republicans president assaulted, called “racist bitch”

December 10, 2016: Orange Coast College professor calls Trump election “act of terrorism,” “we are in Civil War times”

November 11, 2016: Texas, Southwest University Trump supporter’s car vandalized

November 10, 2016: Black Trump supporter attacked at NYC college, MAGA hat almost set alight

November 14, 2016: Toronto student wants Trump to be assassinated

October 26, 2016: University of Pittsburgh Trump supporters campaign, table flipped

April 8, 2016: Portland State University protesters crash pro-Trump student event, make threats

March 18, 2016: Trump stickers’ vandalized, Republican students harassed at Saint Mary’s college

March 14, 2016: Vandals target Trump supporters in College Park, “fuck Trump … Nazi scum”

January 25, 2016: Mizzou professor Melissa Click charged with assaulting journalist

January 20, 2016: FBI reportedly investigating Kent State professor Julio Cesar Pino for his ties to ISIS

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo and on Instagram.