
Analysis: Conservative Wikipedia Editors Six Times More Likely to Face Sanctions than Leftists

In a piece for British magazine the Critic, American academics analyzed evidence of left-wing bias on Wikipedia. Noting research into Wikipedia’s left-wing bias and its increasing bans of conservative media, the authors point to a greater sign of bias: the enforcement of site policies on major political topics by administrators with special privileges on the site. They find in their analysis that editors favoring right-leaning views were six times more likely to be sanctioned than those favoring left-leaning views.

Turkish officials say Wikipedia failed to remove content deemed to be false from its pages

NY Post: Twitter Is Blackmailing America

Following Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s appearance before the Senate, the New York Post says that the social media platform is running a “protection racket,” dictating what Americans can see and read and what media companies must do to reach the public on its platform in a “blackmail operation.”

Jack Dorsey testifies remotely

Feds: Hackers May Target Hospitals with Ransomware Attacks

The U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency released a report on Wednesday addressing the ongoing threats that hackers pose to American hospitals. In September, hackers successfully hobbled the computer systems at over 250 medical facilities operated by Univeral Health Services.

cyber attackers

‘Anonymous’ Never Trumper Miles Taylor Now Works for Google

Miles Taylor, the anti-Trump staffer who published an anonymous op-ed for the New York Times in 2018 declaring himself a part of the deep state “resistance” against the President before serving as chief of staff to former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, went to work for Google after leaving the government.

The Associated Press