Over the weekend, talk radio host Mark Levin continued to lash out at people questioning Ted Cruz’s constitutional eligibility for the presidency, proclaiming that the “birther attack”–brought back by the left-wing Washington Post–was “flopping” against the Texas senator.
On Saturday, Levin shared a post from the Des Moines Register with a headline declaring “Some GOPers so dislike Trump they’d rather see Clinton win.” “Uh oh,” Levin quipped, “this may explain [the] desperate birther tactic.”
On Sunday night, he shared a post from The Right Scoop reporting on Rand Paul’s comment on Face the Nation that the Supreme Court will have to decide whether Cruz is a “natural born citizen.” “Birthers stuck on stupid,” Levin said.
On Monday morning, Levin shared one more link with the terse line: “Birther attack flopping.”
The link in that update is a story from BuzzFeed’s Rosie Gray, which asserts: “What’s worked on other Republicans doesn’t seem to be working on Cruz in Iowa, where supporters say Trump’s birther-style questions about the senator’s eligibility aren’t affecting their enthusiasm at all.”
Gray’s story is dated January 7th–before Breitbart News confronted the Cruz campaign about a document showing both his parents listed on a Canadian electors’ list as purported voters, prompting the campaign to release his mother’s Delaware birth certificate. Soon after, the left-wing site Talking Points Memo revealed it also found the document revealed by Breitbart News and had approached Cruz in 2013–then chambered the story until he potentially became a 2016 contender.
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