Despite huge and historic news events, CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and endorses political violence against Trump supporters, had a devastating third quarter in the ratings.
Throughout the entire third quarter of 2021, CNNLOL was only able to average 822,000 viewers during its primetime hours. Worse still for the embattled outlet is its primetime demo numbers in the advertiser-coveted 25-54 age group, which collapsed to 188,000. That’s less than half the number CNNLOL pulled in last year.
Throughout the day, CNNLOL was only able to attract 598,000 average viewers and a measly 130,000 demo viewers.
Not a single CNNLOL program, not even one, was able to average a million viewers. CNNLOL’s top-rated show, Cuomo Primetime, averaged only 928,000 viewers.
In fact, things are so bad over at CNNLOL that of the three main cable news outlets, CNNLOL could not even place one show in the top 20. Cuomo Primetime came in a humiliating 23rd.

In this still image, primetime host Chris Cuomo pretends to leave his basement after completing a quarantine for a COVID-19 infection. Cuomo had been reportedly busted for leaving his house with his family during the supposed quarantine. (Source: CNN)
Fox News filled 14 of the top 20 slots. MSNBC filled the remaining six.
Don Lemon, who has been credibly accused of sexual assault, attracted only 660,00 average viewers.
Jake Tapper, a proven liar who meddles in elections and spent three years hoaxing his audience about former President Trump colluding with Russia, only attracted 835,000 average viewers.
What has to be especially alarming for the fake news outlet is that this was a third quarter loaded with historic, world-changing news events. To begin with, you have His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s catastrophic surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban. A countless number of Americans are still stuck in that terrorist-run country, and Biden basically handed the Taliban tens of billions of dollars in operational U.S. war equipment.
Additionally, we have an unprecedented crisis at our southern border, which Biden has opened up to allow hundreds of thousands of unvaccinated illegals to flood into our country.
Then there’s the fact that Biden’s breathtaking mishandling of the coronavirus has reignited the pandemic. As a result, thousands of Americans continue to die each week.
If that’s not enough for you, Democrat-run cities are dealing with a violent crime wave unseen in decades, the economy is almost certainly headed into a prolonged recession, and we have a sitting president in mental decline.
For comparison, here are the third-quarter averages for all three cable news outlets:
Fox: 2,372,000 total viewers / 377,000 A25-54
MSNBC: 1,267,000 total viewers / 161,000 A25-54
CNNLOL: 822,000 total viewers / 188,000 A25-54
Fox: 1,358,000 total viewers / 227,000 A25-54
MSNBC: 738,000 total viewers / 83,000 A25-54
CNNLOL: 598,000 total viewers / 130,000 A25-54
We all know what’s happening here… On top of the hideous behavior of deviants like Chris Cuomo and CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, on top of the credible sexual assault claim against Don Lemon, CNNLOL is dealing with a massive credibility crisis. Over and over, CNNLOL has been exposed as a fake news outlet that trolls and lies and deliberately spread conspiracy theories. The end result is that during a world-changing news quarter, practically no one tunes into CNNLOL because no one trusts CNNLOL — not even leftists.
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