Family Members and Childhood Friends Confirm Shaun King Is White

shaun king

Shaun King is indeed white, say family members who confirmed to Breitbart and CNN yesterday that the activist has misled the world about his racial identity.

CNN’s Don Lemon told viewers that he had spoken to a family member who told him King is caucasian. Breitbart can today add to that confirmation a family member, possibly the same person Lemon spoke to, as well as two childhood acquaintances of King’s who all say he was never considered anything other than white.

Explosively, they suggest that the “hate crime” King claims was perpetrated on him was racially motivated but it didn’t happen because King was black: it happened because he was a white man dating a black girl.

King’s story continues to unravel with over a hundred publications and news channels worldwide covering our Breitbart exclusive. King went on a long Twitter tirade yesterday to complain about death threats but as of this morning has failed to address the central question of his race.

This morning the Daily Caller reported that black conservative group Black Conservatives Fund PAC has offered to donate $25,000 to Black Lives Matter if King can prove that his father is black or if he agrees to a DNA test.

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