Daily Kos Founder Claims Contributor at Daily Kos Is a ‘Breitbart Writer Arrested for Terrorism’


Daily Kos founder and Vox cofounder Markos Moulitsas just tweeted: “Breitbart writer arrested for terrorism, for trying to help terrorists build bomb.” He linked to an article that made no mention of Breitbart. But it did list the publications that this terrorist troll, Joshua Goldberg, wrote for, including… the Daily Kos.

Moulitsas then, bizarrely, went on to claim that “trying to incite terrorism” was “a conservative thing.”

Moulitsas thinks Joshua Goldberg is a contributor to Breitbart. Goldberg isn’t, and he never has been… although he did, before his arrest and under various names, contribute various liberal publications, such as Thought Catalog and Moulitsas’s own site.

Goldberg wasn’t a staff writer but his “user journal,” in the name of Tanya Cohen, was published by the Daily Kos and attracted over 200 comments.

Goldberg was also a contributor to feminist blog Feministing.com under the name Tanya Cohen, where he outed transgender game developer Brianna Wu. He also hoaxed the Times of Israel.


Moulitsas has been asked to explain his bizarre claim, but so far, no answer.

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