Youth vote

Pollster: UK Youth Vote Overstated?

The widely circulated claim there was a 72 per cent turnout amongst young voters last week has been debunked by the first major survey on the demographics of who voted in the general election.

Jeremy Corbyn Momentum

Bernie Wallops Hillary With Young NH Voters: 83% to 16%

Hillary Clinton was counting on young voters being excited about the prospect of voting for a historic “first,” meaning the first woman president. It looks as though young Democrats are more enamored with the idea of voting for the historic

The Associated Press

Blue State Blues: American Youth, Beyond the ‘Daily Show’

This week, Jon Stewart broadcast his last episode of The Daily Show. It was perhaps appropriate that his swan song coincided with the first Republican presidential debate of the 2016 election. The Obama era, which Stewart did as much as anyone to create and sustain, is ending.

Blue State Blues (Breitbart)

San Francisco May Lower Voting Age to 16

San Francisco supervisor John Avalos is offering a city charter amendment to allow 16-year-olds to vote. He argues that allowing the teenagers to vote will stimulate more civic involvement and inculcate a desire to vote that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

Youth Vote (Reuters / Xinhua)