Bruce Majors

Articles by Bruce Majors

Majors: Something New Is on the Air

In talk radio, where some think American politics often begins, two new national talk radio shows will be on the air this week, one from the world of conservative talk radio, and one from the liberal world of National Public Radio.

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Majors: Passengers Not Giving the Greatest Ride

In the Christmas movie release Passengers, Jennifer Lawrence (writer “Aurora Lane”) and Chris Pratt (“Jim Preston”) play starship voyagers who may become star crossed lovers, in a world where government is never mentioned.

A general view of atmosphere seen at Columbia Pictures World Premiere of "Passengers&

Majors: Recounting the Recounts, With a CIA Flavor

Democrats were sitting back and waiting for the recounts instigated and fund raised by Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein to save them. But the Democrats now have proof that Dr. Jill is also a Russian agent and her recount Russian funded – after all, it actually produced bigger margins for Donald Trump!


Gary Johnson Swings Through D.C.

Gary Johnson criticized Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, calling Trump “such a nasty man,” and saying neither had addressed the costs of the drug war or the need for entitlement reform.

A campaign sign for Libertaian presidential candidate Gary Johnson, is placed in front of

An Exciting Debate? Maybe Next Time

It was a mediocre debate, with Hillary Clinton giving a non-stop smug, toothy, smile, the kind of thing that lost a debate for an eye-rolling Al Gore, and with Donald Trump held in check as he went into the weeds, defending himself on boring points about his personal business life,

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary C

The Clinton Campaign Elbows for an Advantage

Clinton campaign head Robbie Mook tells reporters that NBC’s Lester Holt, the debate moderator, must fact check Donald Trump, as Mrs. Clinton might not have the stamina to both present her own vision of an America moving forward into the future by being stronger together AND respond to Trump’s challenges to her.

People walk into the debate hall at Hofstra University hours before the official programmi

Let Gary Debate? Johnson Supporters Plan Rally

The protest is not sponsored officially by the Gary Johnson campaign, though some of its state campaign directors are involved. Vans and car pools are bringing Johnson supporters from South Carolina, downstate southern Virginia, Pennsylvania and other surrounding states.

Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson October 23, 2012 in Chicago.

It Doesn’t Take A Village To Spread An Infection

Hillary Clinton continues to defend increased government control of medicine, where the absence of consumer sovereignty leads to increased mortality cause of lax disinfection procedures. The Clintons, with their hundreds of millions in Clinton Foundation donations, will no doubt have access to the remaining private concierge medical centers.

Hillary Clinton speaks to members of the traveling press aboard her campaign plane Septem

You Say Aleppo, I Say Benghazi

Libertarians and others on social media also responded to the gaffe, praising Johnson for his honesty and noting that they don’t want a president who pays more attention to meddling in foreign cities such as Aleppo than he does to the Constitution and the rights of U.S. citizens.

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Activist Abducted in Venezuela Is Latest in String of Political Prisoners

The Popular Will Party is the largest opposition party in Venezuela and other party activists have been kidnapped by the government earlier this year. The kidnapping was first announced by David Smolansky, the mayor of El Hatillo, a municipality of Caracas, on Twitter: “[He] was kidnapped at 9:30 a.m. by an armed group. He’s missing!”


Ayn Rand Rides D.C.’s Metro

This year our Nation’s Capital has seen the subway system (Metro) that transports lobbyists, political staffers, and federal bureaucrats to work every day, shut down for weeks for repairs, experience electrical fires, and reveal a wannabe ISIS member among its employees.

Washington Metro train leaving Union Station Monday, Dec. 8, 2014 in Washington, D.C. (

Libertarians on the Air: Stossel to Host Townhall

Libertarian candidates Gary Johnson and William Weld hold their third nationally televised Townhall tonight, moderated by John Stossel and televised on the FOX Business network at 9 pm.

Phelan M. Ebenhack via AP

Libertarians May Have A Chance to Shine

Until this year always on the outside of the party, like a ’40s film Eve Arden character, Libertarians have in the past appeared to be on the sidelines, at best wags offering cutting assessments about the prom queen and king.


First Time on TV: CNN to Host Libertarian Town Hall

Governor Johnson will also have another Libertarian first, news we are breaking here, when he will speak to the National Hispanic State Legislators Association. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump had been invited to speak to the group and have declined to do so.


Gary Johnson Nominated as Libertarian Candidate on the Second Ballot

Nine hundred and eleven delegates at the Libertarian nominating convention in Orlando did not choose two term New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson to be their presidential nominee on the first ballot Sunday at 11:55 am, as he received only 49 percent of the vote. Party rules require 51 percent of the vote, or 456 delegates.

The Associated Press

Libertarians Set To Nominate Gary Johnson

Libertarians are holding a five-day nominating convention in Orlando this Memorial Day weekend, and are expected to nominate former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson for President and former Massachusetts Governor William Weld as his Vice Presidential candidate running mate.

Delegates listen to speeches in the main hall at the National Libertarian Party Convention

More Debates to Come As Libertarians Take the Stage

Two more national broadcast outlets will now provide voters with debates among Libertarian contenders, Governor Johnson, software millionaire John McAfee, and former Fox News associate producer Austin Petersen, before a Libertarian presidential nominee is selected at the party’s national convention in Orlando, May 27-30.

AP Photo/Jim Mone

Trump and the Libertarians

Libertarians, in the GOP and in the Libertarian Party, are of two minds. Some think Donald Trump will drive many Republican voters to vote for Gary Johnson. But other Libertarians are supporting Trump. At this date there are no known delegates to the Libertarian nominating convention supporting Trump. So unlike the GOP, the LP may not have to take moves to decertify any delegates.

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump speaks to supporters and the media at Tru

Flint’s Water a Recurring, Democrat Problem

While in Detroit rallying union members yesterday President Obama discussed the water crisis in nearby Flint, Michigan, where government water authorities have knowingly supplied 100,000 residents with unhealthy, high lead level water.

The Associated Press

Crime A Rising Concern as Primaries Approach

The nation as a whole is experiencing dramatic increases in crime rates, after years of having them drop; and people have new concerns about whether the federal government is importing jihadists along with innocent refugees and installing them around the country as their neighbors.

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

A Freedom-Based Strategy to Appeal to Gay Voters

Gay people tend to gravitate to urban areas governed by Democrats, partly so they can find each other and partly because liberal Democrats do sometimes eventually get around to enacting legal reforms gay voters want (usually when they begin to lose campaign donations for talking the talk without walking the walk). As such, they experience all the costs of living under Democratic misrule as do other urban groups. Four broad areas stand out: crime, schools, economic opportunity, foreign policy.

American Flags

Dems Spending Big to Hold on to Share of Gay Vote

Though estimates of the percentage of gays in the population are usually around 2 percent, they are thought to be closer to 5 percent of voters. Even at that higher number there were basically 6 and a half million gay voters in 2012, for whom the gay Democratic groups spent over $50 million, or around $9 per voter – in addition to the general election spending of other partisan groups, Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, etc. – spent on every voter regardless of orientation.

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

How One Transsexual Shut Down D.C.

ISIS terrorists threatened an attack on D.C. If one happened, how would the city react? A transsexual with a gun may have just given us a clue.

The US Capitol Building on Capitol Hill is seen in this aerial photograph over Washington,

When It Comes to Campaign Financing, All the Action’s On the Left

No “mainstream” journalists report left-wing campaign financing. Just as none of them ever ask Mrs. Clinton or other Democrats decrying “dark money” in campaigns why they accept George Soros’s contributions. Anonymous promises to return with some follow up later on the Clinton campaign and more on Luke Sissyfag Montgomery and who’s paying whom.

george soros

Tragi-comedy On Screen at CNBC Debate

The consensus is that it was a debate between the GOP and the Democratic media, and that the former won, with Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Chris Christie doing the most to raise their profiles.

Andrew Burton/Getty Images

Bernie Sanders Hedge Fund Donor Hammered Over AIDS Drug

Maybe Bernie Sanders does understand the drug industry — it’s a semi-socialized system where socialism creates shortages and other problems, and then socialists like Sanders can call for expanded government control to fix the problems they’ve created, in a downward spiral toward increasing state control of society, diagnosed in 1929 by economist Ludwig von Mises in his book Interventionism, as he watched Europe collapse into fascism.


Two Libertarian Cheers for Donald Trump

This month GOP presidential candidates Donald Trump and Jeb Bush debated whether George Bush kept America safe during his administration, since 9/11 did happen on George Bush’s watch. It’s not the kind of thing you are supposed to say, just as you aren’t supposed to cast aspersions on Senator John McCain’s war record. Saying things like that are supposed to get you chased out of American political life.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to guests at a campaign rally at Bur

Hillary Clinton Shows Up Late With Nothing New To Offer

Her husband is famous for running late, and Hillary Clinton now does so as well. Perhaps she was some “way-yaz tye-ard” from 11 hours of testimony on Benghazi the day before, but Mrs. Clinton was 50 minutes late to her rally at Market Square in Old Town, Alexandria yesterday.

Former Secretary of State and Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton testifies be

Hillary Clinton Testimony Just the Beginning of this Story

It was a day of evasive answers, where Hillary Clinton rolled her eyes, palmed her face, shuffled papers, and rarely made eye contact with those on the committee asking her questions. She did everything but break out in a Nixonian sweat.

Clinton over there Getty

A Glimpse From the Future: The World of 2024

By 2024, new laws had saved the American economy, and the world, from falling off a cliff in 2016. They also had made it tricky for some corporate chieftains to navigate the regulatory thicket. Those that could afford RepuCorp’s platinum level E&O policies usually fared well. (Especially if they also contracted with its sister lobbying division.) Those that couldn’t often worked for firms that ended up being acquired by those who could, which to Jonathan’s mind just meant the most competent people ended up being in charge.

Owen Humphreys/PA Wire URN:15449317 (Press Association via AP Images)

Latest Million Man March Fizzles

I suspect attendees at the latest Million Man march wanted some substantial fare about how more African Americans — facing rising unemployment — could belong and have a purpose in the American economy, beyond wearing a funny suit and volunteering to do crowd control. I don’t think they got those answers; Ben Carson, Rand Paul, and Donald Trump weren’t there.

Million Man march 1

D.C. Political Class Pays People to Take Leave

This week newly elected D.C. city council members, David Grosso and Elissa Silverman, proposed what they take to be a model of progressive legislation, a mandatory 16 week paid leave for maternity, paternity, transexual surgery, death of a parent, returning from military service, and other major life events believed to make returning to work difficult.

he proposed site for the USD 535 million publicly financed 41,000-seat baseball stadium fo

A Pelosi Bites The Hand That Feeds Her Family

So it’s funny that Alexandra Pelosi, a film maker who has made nine films, mainly for HBO, has made a 45-minute filmlette, San Francisco 2.0. It’s an attack on Silicon Valley, the sharing economy, Internet entrepreneurs, Uber, Lyft, AirBNB and the new jobs with high salaries they generate, which have drawn thousands of high income childless young people to the Bay Area, who have driven up rents and real estate prices, but don’t really need or use government welfare.

Filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi is interviewed while her husband Michiel Vos and sons Paul Vos

‘Ready For Hillary’ Reaches Out To Commoners

Virginia has one of the country’s most difficult ballot access laws – you need 10,000 registered voters to sign to be allowed on the ballot. In 2012 only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul managed to make it into the Virginia GOP primary, while others, including Virginia resident Newt Gingrich, gave up. As Hillary Clinton’s crowds shrink below those of Senator Bernie Sanders, it would be a major embarrassment if he turns in enough signatures and she doesn’t, though this is unlikely since Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Clinton Inc.

Ready For Hillary

Is the LGBT PC Serpent Eating Its Own Tail?

The gay liberation movement actually started because of opposition to business regulation (elaborated in a brilliant piece by Nick Sibilla, a writer at the free market public interest legal firm the Institute of Justice). In Stonewall, regulations made it illegal to serve alcohol to gays and other unseemly sorts, or to get a liquor license if you were gay.
