Milo Yiannopoulos

Milo - Page 6

Articles by Milo

GPS And The Turn-By-Turn War On Men

Can you imagine how few accidents must happen on the roads in Riyadh? Pretty much the only thing Saudi Arabia gets right is forbidding women from driving, thereby avoiding the terrible hell known colloquially as “femsteering.” Meanwhile, in the west, an


Newsweek Mischievously Compares Feminists To Vampire Bats

Naughty old Newsweek! This morning I was reading a feature about those terrifying nocturnal blood-suckers, vampire bats, and it dawned on me: under the cover of describing social hierarchies in these misunderstood winged creatures, the magazine has slipped out a devastatingly


Please! Let’s Have An All-Day SXSW Panel on ‘Harassment’

Disciples! I’m here to tell you that it is important – nay, essential – that the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas follow the wishes of social justice warriors and create an all-day event about “online harassment.” The brightest stars of anti-harassment should be there. Randi Harper, Zoe Quinn, Brianna Wu, and the queen of online victimhood, Anita Sarkeesian.


The Second Teaser Trailer for ‘American Milo’ Has Been Released

American Milo, a feature-length documentary by independent filmmaker Loren Feldman about my ascension to greatness and influence in American media – his words, not mine – comes out in November. Mortified though I am by the attention, obviously, here’s the first

Mike Allen

Dear Cassie Jaye, Sorry For Manspreading Your ‘Red Pill’ Kickstarter

Earlier this week, I told you about feminist filmmaker Cassie Jaye’s film about men’s rights, The Red Pill, and how it was struggling to find money after Jaye insisted on being fair-minded instead of hewing to third-wave feminist orthodoxy. My report about the struggles of a

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Why I Will Only Sit on Straight White Male Panels from Now On

As I sit here on a private beach, tended to by lithe young Nubian wait staff outside my luxury apartment complex on the island of Malta, I have come to a stunning realisation. The primary victim of the third-wave feminist matriarchy is… me!

My kind of panel line-up

I’ve Made My First ‘Game’!

As regular readers will know, I’ve been following the GamerGate controversy with interest over the past year or so. And I have to say, I’ve been inspired by the talent and creativity of the world’s leading “game” “designer,” a woman

(c) Mike Allen

The Gaming Press’s Diversity Warriors Are All Talk and No Trousers

This week the gaming press and technology blogs have put out more than twenty articles about the controversy surrounding the 2016 SXSW Interactive festival. I can hear them slapping each other on the back for their incredible bravery all the way over here in London.

The Associated Press

Bloomberg: ‘Breitbart News Is Preparing To Troll Tech’

From Bloomberg Businessweek: Breitbart News has spent most of the last decade assaulting what it sees as the sacred cows worshiped by liberals in government, journalism, and Hollywood. Now it is turning to Big Tech. On Tuesday, the right-wing news site


SXSW Has Lost Its Moral Compass

South By Southwest (SXSW), the annual festival of interactive media that once turned homeless people into WiFi routers, has lost its moral compass. See what I did there? But seriously: the festival has, in cowardly fashion, cancelled two panels discussing video games after they were subject to “anonymous threats.”

Shelby Drummond/Flickr

‘The Red Pill’ Filmmaker Started to Doubt Her Feminist Beliefs… Now Her Movie Is at Risk

There is a documentary film on gender movements currently running a Kickstarter campaign that feminism would prefer never sees the light of day. You may be imagining some amateur film made by buffoons bumbling their way through a hit piece on feminism, but you’d be well off the mark. The film is The Red Pill by self professed feminist Cassie Jaye.


It’s My Birthday And I’ve Got You All A Present

Today is my birthday. Don’t ask how old; I’ll only lie. I am announcing today that I am to have no more birthdays in the future. From now on, October 18 will be officially recognised as World Patriarchy Day.


Male Students: Do Not Go to Consent Classes

Yesterday, George Lawlor, a student at the University of Warwick hit the headlines after he refused to accept an invitation to his student union’s “Sex Consent training workship.” Today, he is joined in these pages by another Warwick student, Jack Hadfield. Here’s hoping that their voices are just the beginning–and that young men will stand up and say enough is enough.


PopCap Games Cofounder Jason Kapalka a Leading Social Justice Benefactor

As Patreon user information starts to be leaked and dissected following the site’s hacking last month, an interesting fact has already emerged. Jason Kapalka, a cofounder of PopCap Games, is the top donor to two of the most prominent professional victims on the internet, Zoe Quinn and Randi Harper.


Dear Fag Hags: I Want a Divorce

It’s tough to get me excited about anything gay these days. What was once a fearless, exciting subculture has ossified into a load of uptight house husbands with terrible taste in everything who won’t even deign to share their superior homosexual man-fluid for the good of the species.

Marla Mindelle/YouTube

We Must End The ‘Journalism Pay Gap’

We all know by now that the so-called “gender pay gap” is a feminist myth that won’t die, based on dodgy number-crunching, that no reputable economist takes seriously. As we’ve reported before, contrary to feminist mythology, women under 30 in the


Bahar Mustafa Should Never Have Been Arrested For Tweeting

If you haven’t noticed by now, I take freedom of speech pretty seriously. From defending Roosh V’s right to speak in Canada to Lauren Southern’s right to commit random acts of journalism on unsuspecting slutwalkers to my own right to assemble and speak


Manchester’s Student Union Says I’m ‘Dangerous’

I am sufficiently “dangerous” to the “safety” of University of Manchester students that I have to be surrounded by security and any event that features me must be ticketed and the number of seats restricted, according to that university’s Student

university of manchester

Feminists Call The Cops When I Show Up. Here’s Why

I’m a slut, and I have been shamed. Yesterday I rocked up to the Amber Rose Slut Walk in downtown LA, alongside Rebel Media broadcaster and libertarian political candidate Lauren Southern. Event organisers called the police when they realised we didn’t buy into


Milo: Sorry, Girls! But The Smartest People In The World Are All Men

We’re constantly told that sexism and stereotypes are what hold women back in maths, engineering and tech. But it’s a lie. The real reason there aren’t more female astrophysicists is that the number of really, really smart girls is minuscule. Sorry,


How to Stop Mass Shootings

I might be a raging homo, but I still innately understand the male need to conquer, crush and win. Men need to express that dark, powerful part of themselves, or it can abruptly overflow. If it is suppressed, derided and ridiculed, it can show up without warning and with horrible consequences.


Am I The Only Responsible Tech Journalist Left On The Planet?

We recently shared news with our readers about one of the most extraordinary reports to come out of the UN in years: a document that compared “cyber violence” to physical violence, and advised national governments to censor the internet on the basis of the whining

Milo Yiannanopolis - Image by Dan Taylor -

The UN Wants To Censor The Entire Internet To Save Feminists’ Feelings

In a report released yesterday, entitled “Cyber Violence Against Women And Girls: A Global Wake-up Call,” UN Women, the group behind last year’s risible “He for She” campaign, called on governments to use their “licensing prerogative” to ensure that “telecoms and


Why Doesn’t Silicon Valley Care About China’s Human Rights Record?

Silicon Valley’s elites congregated this week to pay obeisance to a controversial world leader. No, not His Holiness: I’m talking about Chinese Premier Xi Jinping. With the unanticipated gusto of a portly buffet patron when a new tray of crab’s legs is brought


Here’s Why the Progressive Left Keeps Sticking Up for Pedophiles

Today, Salon gave a platform to a self-confessed pedophile to explain his urges in sympathetic terms. “I’m a Pedophile, But Not A Monster” reads the headline. It’s a long, self-pitying screed that ends with a call to be “understanding and supportive” of adults who crave sexual intimacy with children.

Matthew Lewis/Getty Images

Zoe Quinn Is The Perfect Person To Address The UN On Cyberbullying

A failed game designer and professional victim most famous for cheating on her boyfriend and inspiring a year-long hate campaign against video game enthusiasts has tweeted that she will be speaking at the United Nations this week as part of a panel called


Breaking: David Cameron Is a Total Lad

Billionaires aren’t accustomed to being snubbed. They have egos even bigger than your present correspondent’s. And British Prime Minister David Cameron just discovered what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a tycoon’s wrath.
