Murphy: Only Democrats Can Deliver Tighter Control of the Border

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that only Democrats can deliver on tighter control of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Achor Jonathan Karl said, “You’ve seen poll after poll. I could cite the latest Quinnipiac, but there’s been poll after poll showing an overwhelming majority of Americans disapprove of how President Biden has handled the border, and we’ve also seen the flow over the border dramatically increase under the president.

Murphy said, “What we also know is that under Donald Trump’s presidency, crossings at the border were at 10-year high, and this is exactly why. I think the president and Democrats should go on the offense because the vast majority of the country believes that we should have robust legal immigration, but they want tighter control of the border. And right now, there’s only one party that can deliver that. Only the Democrats support pathways to citizenship, support expanding legal pathways into the country, and a tough border law.”

He added, “Republicans used the issue the immigration to try and divide us from each other, and now, on the record, opposing the toughest border reform bill, the toughest border security bill in decades.”

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