Marlow: Latino Vote Shifting Right Creates Chance for Generational Majority

On Sunday’s edition of Newsmax TV’s “Gorka Reality Check,” “Alex Marlow Show,” host and Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow stated that leftists have shown that they have a large vulnerability on Hispanic voters and “if we’re broadcasting to this audience, leaning into those values, broadcasting in Spanish where we can, that is an opportunity to solidify a majority for generations if we can do that.”

Marlow said, “[T]hey’ve tipped their hands on one huge vulnerability…that no one’s talking about that we need to focus on, the Latino vote rapidly shifting towards Republicans, in particular, Donald Trump and his movement. … So, if we’re broadcasting to this audience, leaning into those values, broadcasting in Spanish where we can, that is an opportunity to solidify a majority for generations if we can do that.”

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