Mike Pence Hits Democrats Over Socialism at Miami Latino Launch

MIAMI, FLORIDA - JUNE 25: US Vice President Mike Pence attends a Donald J. Trump for Presi
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Vice President Mike Pence hit Democrats during a Trump Latino coalition launch Tuesday in Miami as they head into debates in that very city Wednesday and Thursday.

“Democrats are going to gather here in Miami tomorrow,” the vice president said as he launched into criticism of Democrat policies. The first of the official Democrat presidential debates begin Wednesday and Thursday in Miami, Florida, with the long list of candidates split between two nights of debates.

Pence touted the economic successes under President Donald Trump and historic low Hispanic unemployment before saying, “They’re going to take the stage…after a season where President Trump has been cutting taxes, rolling back tape, giving the American people more freedom, more prosperity. They’re actually going to take the stage and advocate more taxes.”

The crowd broke out in boos as the vice president continued, “…more regulation, something called Medicare for All, and Green New Deal.” The crowd continued booing throughout these remarks. “I think you all know what Medicare for All really means. It’s quality health care for none,” he went on. “The only thing green about the Green New Deal is how much green it’s going to cost all of us if they ever sign it in to law.”

“Most remarkably of all, tomorrow night many of their leading candidates and the night after that are going to openly advocate for an economic system that has impoverished millions around the world,” Pence said. 

“Latino Americans know better than most about the cost of socialism,” Vice President Pence said to affirmations from the crowd described by one reporter as “largely Cuban/Venezuelan/Nicaraguan American.”

“It’s impoverished generations, it’s stolen the liberty of millions,” he continued describing the devastation of socialism. “Many of your families fled socialist regimes in this hemisphere and you came to freedom in America,” he said to cheers from the room. 

“Latino Americans know that it was freedom, not socialism, that gave us the most prosperous, powerful nation in the history of the world. It was freedom,” he said to more cheers. “Latino Americans know that it was freedom, not socialism, that ended slavery, won two world wars, and stands today as a beacon of hope for all the world.”

“Here at the launch of Latinos for Trump we must say, as the president said in his State of the Union address, ‘America will never be a socialist country,’” Pence declared to more cheers and chants of “USA, USA, USA,” from the room.

Michelle Moons is a White House Correspondent for Breitbart News — follow on Twitter @MichelleDiana and Facebook


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