Illegal Alien Accused of Brutally Raping Ex-Landlord in Revenge Attack


An illegal alien, out of revenge, has been arrested after allegedly raping his ex-landlord in St. Paul, Minnesota, on July 17.

Rolando Lopez-Meneses, a 23-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was arrested and charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct and first-degree burglary after allegedly raping his former landlord.

According to police, Lopez-Meneses had been renting a room in the victim’s home for roughly eight months when the alleged rape occurred. Weeks before, the victim told police that Lopez-Meneses had asked if his girlfriend could move into the bedroom with him.

That was when Lopez-Meneses moved out of the victim’s home. Later, though, the victim said Lopez-Meneses returned and asked if he could again rent the room, but it had already been rented to another individual.

On July 17, the victim said Lopez-Meneses showed up at her home using a key he had never returned. Lopez-Meneses, the victim later told police, had climbed on top of her while she was sleeping and covered her mouth and nose so that she could not breathe.

The victim said she screamed for Lopez-Meneses to leave immediately and that is when she said he started beating and raping her, putting his hands back over her mouth and nose so she could not scream.

After one of the victim’s tenants came out of his room upon hearing the incident, Lopez-Meneses fled the scene, according to police.

When police were called to the home at about four o’clock in the morning, the victim locked herself in her bedroom until officers secured the area. Officers said they heard the victim sobbing, and when they opened her door, she was wrapped up in a blanket, had bruises on her body, and was bleeding.

The victim fainted and was taken to a nearby hospital where she recounted what occurred.

On July 21, police arrested Lopez-Meneses, and officers said he admitted to using his old key to access the victim’s home. Lopez-Meneses claimed he did not rape the victim but rather the sex was consensual.

Lopez-Meneses is being held at the Ramsey County Jail in Minnesota.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here


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