Poll: McCormick Leads Dr. Oz by 9 Points in Pennsylvania Republican Senate Primary 

David McCormick (L) and Dr. Mehmet Oz (R) (U.S. Dept. of Defense, Riccardo Savi/Getty Imag
U.S. Dept. of Defense, Riccardo Savi/Getty Images

Businessman David McCormick is the frontrunner in Pennsylvania’s Republican U.S. Senate primary, leading celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz by nine points, according to a recent Fox News poll.

McCormick has the most support among Republican primary voters, at 24 percent. Behind McCormick is Oz, who trails McCormick by nine points, earning just 15 percent support from Republican primary voters.

The poll found small support for candidates Kathy Bernette, Jeff Bartos, and Carla Sands, who received nine, nine, and six percent support, respectively.

Close to one-third of voters remain undecided about which candidate to support in the Republican U.S. Senate primary set to occur on May 17.

Although McCormick leads Oz, Oz’s supporters feel stronger about him than McCormick’s supporters. For example, only 22 percent of McCormick supporters are certain they will cast their ballot for him, compared to 40 percent of Oz supporters confident in their support.

“McCormick has a lead and he’s running well across the state, but the main feature of the contest right now is that Republican voters have not yet honed in on the candidates,” said Daron Shaw, a Fox News pollster.

McCormick is running to replace retiring Republican Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) in Congress.

The poll also asked voters about their policy priorities when choosing their senate candidate, and economic and immigration issues topped the list. Nearly 60 percent of primary voters say the economy is “extremely” important to their decision. Immigration was at the forefront of 53 percent of voters’ minds. Other issues on primary voters’ minds are social issues and coronavirus health policies.

The poll surveyed 960 Pennsylvania Republican primary voters from March 2-6 under the joint direction of Republican research firm Beacon Research and Democrat firm Shaw & Company Research.

The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3 percent.

Fox News’s poll is not the only poll that shows McCormick ahead of Oz. A recent TargetPoint survey found McCormick ahead of Oz by thirty points in a head-to-head battle.


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