The distributor of Bud Light in Chattanooga, Tennessee, requested that a local venue called the Bud Light Stage be renamed the Ultra Stage.
Supposedly, this request came prior to the Dylan Mulvaney debacle.
The upcoming June 2-4 Riverbend Festival has used the Bud Light Stage as its secondary stage for around four decades. About 15,000 people attend the music festival each year. But this year, the term “Bud Light” has become a toxic joke. This occurred last month after Anheuser-Busch decided to do business with Dylan Mulvaney, a guy who runs around in women’s clothes mocking females. Mulvaney identifies as a woman, but he is a guy in a dress—a transvestite, a cross-dresser.
The new name, the Ultra Stage, is still in the Transheuser-Busch family but named after Transheuser-Busch’s Michelob Ultra.
The festival claims the requested name change came long before the Dylan Mulvaney debacle, but that is a little hard to believe. So anyway, here is the story, and they are sticking to it…
“Michelob Ultra is the most requested beer among our guests,” festival director Mickey McCamish told the Chattanooga Times Free Press. “We are pleased that the sponsor is providing the product to us and, of course, when they requested that the stage be renamed the Ultra Stage, we readily agreed.”
In a text, McCamish claimed the “change request was made last year.”
Oh, okay.
According to the latest numbers, the anger at Bud Light for partnering with a fetishist is only getting worse. During the week ending May 20, sales collapsed 29.5 percent compared to that same week the previous year.
In April, in the immediate aftermath of this public relations boondoggle, sales were down a “staggering” 17 percent.
If 17 percent is staggering, what is 29.5 percent?
To move beer off the shelves before its expiration date, Transheuser-Busch is practically giving Bud Light away.
Bud Light has become the CNN of beers—a toxic national joke no one wants to be seen with. Fairly or not, to drink or order a Bud Light is seen as a political act that results in jokes and looks. No one wants controversy with their bottle of beer. Beer o’clock is about relaxing and forgetting the nonsense of the day.
Maybe this Tennessee distributor did request the name change last year. That seems a little too fortuitous to me, but either way, can you imagine the jokes a Bud Light Stage would have inspired over that three-day festival? My guess is that any band that played the festival would make jokes from the stage at Bud Light’s expense. Why not? That would be an easy way to 1) bond with the crowd, 2) earn an easy laugh, and 3) address the elephant in the room.
Like “CNN,” “Bud Light” is now a punchline. “Target” probably is, as well.
Marketing 101 says you cannot divide your customers and add to your customer base. All you can do is lose customers. This is especially true with this demonic trans ideology. Nothing is more divisive than sexualizing your brand, especially with weirdoes and fetishists.
Dylan Mulvaney is not a woman. He is a mockery of women, a walking minstrel show of women. Target is even worse in how its stores seek to pervert and sexualize underage children. It took CNN years to destroy its brand. Bud Light did it in about three minutes. Hell, the literal Satanists at Target accomplished it over a long weekend.
Watch — “THEY’RE IN TROUBLE”: Video Shows NO ONE at Bud Light Stand at Red Sox Game
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Matt Perdie / Breitbart NewsFollow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.
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