basket of deplorables

Exclusive — Sen. J.D. Vance: De Niro’s Biden Appearance Outside Trump Trial ‘Mask Off Moment for Biden Regime’ Similar to Hillary’s Deplorables Attack

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), a leading possible contender for former President Donald Trump’s running mate, answered several key questions from Breitbart News for this exclusive question-and-answer written interview about Hollywood star Robert De Niro’s appearance at the behest of Democrat President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign outside the Manhattan courthouse where Trump is being tried.

Actor Robert De Niro, center, points to a supporter of former US President Donald Trump, n

Chinese State Media Calls Hong Kong Protesters ‘Basket of Deplorables’

In the course of condemning Hong Kong protesters for ruining their city and urging them to be more like their cousins in semi-autonomous Macau, China’s state-run Global Times on Tuesday borrowed a famous line from former U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to denounce the Hong Kong democracy movement as a “basket of deplorables.” 

A protestor holds a portrait of Xi Jinping - General Secretary of the Communist Party of C

Lifelong Progressive Turned Trump Voter: ‘I Guess I’m a Deplorable’

Mary Ann Akers writes in Politico about Kim McKinney Cohen, a “lifelong progressive” who “was so disgusted with her party, she voted for Trump.” The turning point, Akers reports, was Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton’s disparagement of Trump supporters as “a basket of deplorables.” Cohen describes her vote for Trump as “a primal scream” aimed at the Democratic Party, about which she writes: “I wanted it burned down … so that we could build a new, hopefully more equitable one that meets the needs of all, not only the super-rich.”


Lawmakers Slam Californians Who Voted for Trump as Bigots

First there was Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton calling Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables.” Now, California lawmakers mourning a Clinton loss suggested that Californians who voted for now President-elect Donald Trump are supportive of “resentment, bigotry, and misogyny.”

AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli,File

Ron Maxwell: Hillary’s Totalitarian Moment

The dehumanization and objectification of political adversaries as preparation and justification for mass murder came into sharp focus as an effective weapon during the French Revolution. The specific insults morph to fit the circumstances and the times, but each insult is designed to have the same effect — to dehumanize and to objectify a group of people in opposition to the dominant group that has seized power and the legal mechanisms of the State.


Washington Post’s Dana Milbank: Hillary Is Right, ‘Half of Trump Supporters Are Racist’

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank doubles down on Hillary Clinton’s assertion that “half” of Donald Trump’s supporters are an “irredeemable” “basket of deplorables” who are, in her words, “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.” Milbank writes that that far from being incorrect in her denunciation, Clinton may in fact have “low-balled the number” by claiming only “half” are racist.

LAS VEGAS, NV - FEBRUARY 23: Supporters cheer while waiting for Republican presidential ca

Robert Davi’s ‘Deplorable Challenge’ Lights Up Twitter

Conservative actor and talk radio host Robert Davi lit up Twitter on Saturday by urging his hundreds of thousands of social media followers to take the so-called “deplorable challenge” — so named for Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s claim this weekend that millions of supporters of Republican candidate Donald Trump belong in a “basket of deplorables” reserved for racist, sexist, xenophobic bigots.


Exclusive – Gov. Mike Pence: I Was ‘Taken Aback’ and ’Speechless’ About Hillary Clinton’s ‘Deplorable,’ ‘Irredeemable’ Comments About ‘Millions of Americans’

WASHINGTON, D.C., — Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, the 2012 GOP vice presidential nominee, told Breitbart News that he was “taken aback” at Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton’s disdain for millions of Americans as evidenced by comments she made at a private fundraiser on Friday night with Barbra Streisand about millions of Donald Trump supporters nationwide.

Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence, pictured in August 2016, tells NBC's "Mee